The Devil

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The Devil, also known as the Fallen, Lord Dis, the Torturer Inexorable, Satan, Satanas or Lucifer, was defined by Jenny Everywhere as the “symbol of all humankind's evil and depravity”. The Devil was, in most universes where he existed, the greatest of Demons and the ruler of Hell. Some incarnations of Jenny Everywhere occasionally ran into, and opposed, versions of the Devil.


Physical appearance

In one universe's Hell, the Devil's exact features where in constant flux. He appeared as a Minotaur-like being, with the head of a fanged calf with an enlarged cranium and small horns. He hovered, wreathed with flames. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere Vs Hell) In another universe where the Devil was apparently not real, Jenny Everywhere's mental picture of him looked something like Pan, whose physical appearance was that of a man with sharp features, horns and a pointed goatee. (COMIC: Holiday Pandemonium) Reality Z-25 31-H looked somewhat like this picture, minus the goatee; he was in fact completely bald, and also notable for wearing a cape. (COMIC: Hell Is Too Good For Him)


The Devil as encountered by Jenny was an overly self-assured ruler who belittled mortals and never seemed to consider the notion that they might pose a threat to him, have a point against him, or even so much as fail to be awed and terrified by his presence. He was bigoted and spiteful, insisting that girls were “meant to marry nice boys and keep house”. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere Vs Hell)


As fiction

Upon meeting Pan in one dimension, Jenny Everywhere mistook him forthe Devil. However, not only was Pan not the Devil, but he did not believe the Devil really existed, at least in his universe. (COMIC: Holiday Pandemonium)

Overthrown by Jenny

The Devil, beaten and overthrown by Jenny. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere Vs Hell)

In one universe, the Devil ruled Hell from the deepest level of the Underworld. After Jenny Everywhere was pulled into Hell only to refuse to submit to her allotted punishment, she was pulled down to the Devil's throne room, where he attempted to break her spirits. However, a defiant Jenny told her his moralising, misogynistic lectures about the “filth” of homosexuality were no better than the sorts of things her granny had said to her when she was fifteen. She gave the baffled Devil a psychic glimpse of the infinity of her incarnations, which knocked him out. Stepping over his prone body, Jenny announced that Hell was no longer his kingdom and this was “Day One of the Republic of Hell”. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere Vs Hell)

The Brotherhood of Universal Oneness was aware that in one incarnation, Jenny had “battled the Fallen”. (COMIC: The Legend of Jenny Everywhere)

In Reality Z-25 31-H

Reality Z-25 31-H's Hell was ruled by the Devil, who appeared as a bald, horned man with an aquiline nose, wearing a cape. He was capable of changing size at will. This version of the Devil had a consort, the demoness Mephista, and enjoyed fine alcohols, which he lamented were hard to go by in Hell. (COMIC: Hell Is Too Good For Him) He was named Satan, although the Legion of Light also used the name “Lucifer” when mistaking Armstrong Fatbuckle for the Devil himself, (COMIC: Enter–the Legion of Light!) and he was invoked as “Satanas” by Alicia and Babs in their ritual to send Kelly down to Hell. (COMIC: Journey Out Of Misery)

The Devil personally welcomed Armstrong Fatbuckle, “the Worst Man in the World,” to Hell after he died in a car crash. However, Fatbuckle immediately became an offensive nuisance, causing mayhem, littering, and even sleeping with Mephista. Outraged, the Devil ended up banning Fatbuckle from Hell, returning him to the land of the living as an undead skeleton. Although this was meant to be an ironic punishment — with the skeletal Fatbuckle no longer able to indulge in the pleasures of the flesh he had so enjoyed in life — Fatbuckle quickly adapted to his new existence, finding that he could still party and dance all night long as a skeleton and that, either way, it still beat being damned. (COMIC: Hell Is Too Good For Him)

The Devil makes a deal with Kelly. (COMIC: Journey Out Of Misery)

After Jenkins was killed and his soul ended up in Hell, Kelly got the witches Alicia and Babs to perform a ritual to send her to Hell. There, she was similarly personally welcomed by the Devil, but interrupted his welcoming speech to explain that she was here “on business”, wanting to make a deal to get Jenkins back (not, of course, out of the nonexistent goodness of her heart, but because her superpowers only worked in his presence). The Devil agreed, trying to dramatically announce that she'd have to sell her soul in exchange; to his dismay, she readily agreed to this price, and even quipped that she found it underwhelming that she did not have to sign the contract is blood. Put off by her combined ruthlessness and lack of awe-struck fear, the Devil got the deal over with as quickly as possible and then angrily sprung Kelly and Jenkins back to the mortal plane. (COMIC: Journey Out Of Misery)

In Junter and Ibdis's world

In the universe inhabited by the lich Junter and vampire Ibdis, Junter seemed to invoke the name of “Satan” where ordinary mortals would invoke that of God. (COMIC: Lack of Pope, A Letter From Beyond) When the Pope disappeared from where Junter had been holding him, he exlaimed: “Where, in the name of Satan, is the Pope?!”. (COMIC: Lack of Pope) On another occasion, after being hit by extreme bad luck, Junter exlaimed “I trusted you, Satan!”. (COMIC: A Letter From Beyond)

In Kim's universe

In the universe where Jenny Everywhere was friends with Kim, there existed cults who worshipped “Satan”. When they heard of one being active in their city, Jenny and Kim investigated, worried that they might summon, if not Satan himself, then some other “horror from the abyss”. Ultimately, however, they realised there'd been a misunderstanding due to an unfortunate typo, and the group were actually Stan worshippers. (PROSE: Fragment: The Summoning)

Behind the scenes

The Devil is a well-known religious, mythological or folkloric figure, by which token the character can be considered public domain, although the details of specific design used by individual artists and writers may belong to them in some cases.

Open-source elements making up the core Jenny Everywhere mythos
Jenny AnywhereJenny Everywhere
Companions & associates of Jenny Everywhere
Jimmy AnytimeLaura DrakeJenny ElsewhereBunny EveryhareSophie EverytimeHakheJulie JacobsThe Man in GreyNeetaOctobrianaJenny Over-ThereShatterScreenJenny SomewhereJimmy WhereverMichael Wherever
Villains & enemies of Jenny Everywhere
ChaosDeathThe DevilCardinal DraculaLaura DrakeLord GrallyxJenny NowhereBunny Nullhare
The Abstracts
Chaos (Chaos)Illumination (Lit)Knowledge (Lailoken)Luminance (Rae)Misfortune (Odious)Terror (Strach)
The InfiniteThe MultiverseShifting • The Unfinite

Biblical & other Jewish or Christian concepts in Jenny Everywhere
AdamThe AntichristBartholomewDeathThe DevilEveGodHerodJesus ChristSaint NicholasVirgin MaryThe Whore of Babylon
Species & Classes of Beings
Angel (PrincipalitySeraph) • Demon
Garden of EdenHeavenHell
The BibleFlaming SwordSpear of Longinus
Recurring elements of The Cosmic Beholder
The Odds
The Blue KnightCaptain EveningCentenniaArmstrong FatbuckleMerv the GriffinJenny EverywhereJenny NowhereJung-La
The Terrific Two & associates
KellyJenkinsProfessor MadisonRobot MadisonRodney RabbitThe Mutant
ArmageddaBureau of SingularityCaptain PerfectDoctor BrainThe DevilHexiaInsectoJesse BrainNew Protectors (Kate Kerrigan)
Other characters
AliciaBabsThe Big Bad WolfGlow GirlThe Human TreeMysto the Space-WizardRed Riding HoodTerry Tornado
Doctor Brain's PortalFortress of EveningMagic Sword of the Legion of LightOdd MobileProfessor Madison's deviceSkycicle