Jesse Brain

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In Reality Z-25 31-H, Jesse Brain was the daughter of the supervillain Doctor Brain and his ex, White Light. She was a very proficient student of witchcraft and occasionally helped her father with his evil schemes, although she did not have much of a villainous agenda of her own.


Physical appearance

Jesse Brain was a thin young woman with blond hair, one lock of which was dyed black. She usually wore a “witchy” outfit with included black boots, a cape and a high collar as well as a fairly ordinary shirt and skirt. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells)


Unlike her father, who had relatively normal tastes but relished in acting like a villain, Jesse had extremely gothic, “witchy” tastes, being incapable of sleeping in a bedroom that wasn't adorned with gargoyles and pits of hellfire — yet, simultaneously, had little interest in doing villainous thing, having concerns more at home with those of an average teenaged college student; (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells) indeed, she exhibited a degree of skepticism about “people in tights punching each other” in general. (COMIC: Meanwhile, On Earth) She was only occasionally persuaded by the Doctor to lend a hand with his evil schemes. She was impulsive and independent, prone to sarcastic remarks even about her own father. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells)

Powers & abilities

Although only a student by witch standards, Jesse was already a powerful magic user. She could set up a summoning ritual to bring forth a Griffin from another dimension and also displayed the ability to turn her room into a sorcerous dungeon, complete with bottomless pits and gargoyles, within minutes. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells)



Jesse snitching on Sanderson to Kelly. (COMIC: Blast From The Past)

While Jesse was studying “witchcraft with a minor in supervillainy” at NYU with Alicia and Babs, the three went through an internship at Mr Grangler's stock-broking company for unclear reasons. They were assigned to then-Junior Deputy Assistant Secretary Kelly to handle. Their magical abilities turned out to be extremely useful for predicting the stock market and digging up dirt on colleagues and competitors, ultimately allowing Kelly to get her boss arrested and replace him as head of the company. In thanks, she gave the three girls A+s on their internship. (COMIC: Blast From The Past)

Summoning Mervin

Jesse helps her father with a magical ritual to summon a Griffin from another dimension. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells)

At a point when he had already been the nemesis of Captain Evening for some time, Doctor Brain secretly recruited his daughter, who was studying witchcraft at New York University, for a new scheme to get rid of him. The father and daughter (with the help of two of Brain's henchmen) participated in a summoning ritual to bring forth a Griffin from the Sixth Realm and bind him to this world until he killed Captain Evening. The Griffin took flight, Doctor Brain and his daughter parted ways once more, and neither thought anything more of it for a long time. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells)

Falling out with Alicia

A baffled Doctor Brain realises his daughter has already moved back in in earnest. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells)

A few weeks later, Jesse had a falling out with her college friend (and roommate) Alicia due to her humiliating Jesse in class by smugly answering a question about which Jesse had come up empty. She impulsively decided to move back in with her father, bursting into his home with little warning and immediately settling herself back in one of the bedrooms, giving her father nary a chance to protest. Although neither Brain realised, the Griffin had just been freed from its magical bonds by Captain Evening and “Jenny Everywhere” and vowed to take revenge on Doctor Brain and “his rotten offspring”. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells)

Brain grew to enjoy the brighter side of having his daughter around when she first used her magic to fix a mess he'd made of the kitchen while trying to cook dinner. (COMIC: In Dr. Brain's Kitchen) It seems that the issues between Jesse and her two friends were soon worked, as, later that day, the Doctor drove Jesse to a dance club to meet the two. (COMIC: Following Up)

Two generations of Brain reel from their encounter with “Evil Cloak”. (COMIC: Famous Last Words)

However, Jesse was arrested for underage drinking, though she claimed she had simply forgotten her I.D. To her surprise, her father could not be reached and asked to bail her out, (COMIC: Redistribution) having been waylaid by “Evil Cloak” on the way back after dropping her off. (COMIC: Following Up) Evil Cloak was also waiting for Jesse in her cell, making her the same proposal she'd offered to her father. (COMIC: Redistribution) After all these events, Jesse staggered home exhausted and still reeling from her recent encounter with the terrifying Evil Cloak, exclaiming “what a night” — only to find that her father was sitting on the other side, nursing some injuries and in more or less the same state of mind as herself. (COMIC: Famous Last Words)

Involvement in Evil Cloak's conspiracy

Jesse watches the work on Doctor Brain's Portal. (COMIC: Meanwhile, On Earth)

With both generations of Brains having accepted Evil Cloak's proposal, Jesse had to leave university for the semester to assist in Doctor Brain's “project”. She stayed at Brain's lair along with the ever-increasing number of supervillains recruited by Evil Cloak, and witnessed the rebuilding of the Dimensional Portal as ordered by Evil Cloak. She was originally unenthused by the scheme, although she realised it held a bit more pique than she gave it credit for when she discovered that Evil Cloak and the “Jenny Everywhere” who had convinced the Odds that she was their ally were one and the same. Much to her embarrassment, however, this discovery came in the form of her walking in on Jenny and her own father getting intimate. Some time later the same day, Jesse phoned Alicia and Babs to explain her situation to them and get updates on the gossip from their social circles. (COMIC: Meanwhile, On Earth)

She was present with the other assembled villains when Evil Cloak's plot came to fruition and she lured the Odds to the villains' lair before revealing herself as Jenny Nowhere. She didn't have much enthusiasm for battle when Nowhere ordered the villains to attack the Odds, but did muster up the energy to clobber Armstrong Fatbuckle on the head with her magic wand when he tried to engage Armagedda in battle, feeling that Armagedda deserved the help given that she was forbidden by her vow to fight back against an Earthling. After Captain Evening realised the fighting pairs were ill-matched, he told Centennia to take on “the Witch” instead, with the heroine managing to knock out Jesse by blowing her away with her super-breath. Jesse later left with the other villains after they and the heroes agreed to call it a day following Nowhere's death at the hands of Gazoom. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)

Sleepover with Alicia and Babs

Jesse and Babs notice Alicia's absence. (COMIC: The Sleepover)

Some time later, cohabitation with her dad hit its first rocky patch as the Doctor forgot that Jesse had asked him to find somewhere else to be for a night as she organised a sleepover with her friends Alicia and Babs, being caught off-guard when Jesse arrived at the apartment with the two other witches. Jesse was initially ticked off, but Alicia suggested that the Doctor could stay and hang out with them, and he reluctantly agreed, ending up having a pretty good time, notably cooking up a “devilish” salsa in his laboratory for use at dinner. After all four watched a zombie movie together, the girls separated from the Doctor and played a board game in Jesse's bedroom until fairly late in the night, when they went to bed, all sharing Jesse's. This made Jesse and Babs notice when Alicia slipped out partway through the night; they assumed she'd simply gone to the bathroom, but in actual fact, having developed an inappropriate crush on Doctor Brain, she was in his bedroom, attempting (unsuccessfully) to seduce him. (COMIC: The Sleepover) The following morning as they all had breakfast, the Doctor and Alicia tried to “play it cool”, only for Jesse to bluntly ask Alicia why she'd been gone from the bedroom for a while the previous night. (COMIC: Moment of Truth)

Recurring elements of The Cosmic Beholder
The Odds
The Blue KnightCaptain EveningCentenniaArmstrong FatbuckleMerv the GriffinJenny EverywhereJenny NowhereJung-La
The Terrific Two & associates
KellyJenkinsProfessor MadisonRobot MadisonRodney RabbitThe Mutant
ArmageddaBureau of SingularityCaptain PerfectDoctor BrainThe DevilHexiaInsectoJesse BrainNew Protectors (Kate Kerrigan)
Other characters
AliciaBabsThe Big Bad WolfGlow GirlThe Human TreeMysto the Space-WizardRed Riding HoodTerry Tornado
Doctor Brain's PortalFortress of EveningMagic Sword of the Legion of LightOdd MobileProfessor Madison's deviceSkycicle