Doctor Brain's Portal

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

An interdimensional portal, sometimes described as “the Dimensional Portal” or “the Trans-Dimensional Portal”, was created by the supervillain Doctor Brain and his henchmen in Reality Z-25 31-H in a warehouse. It was a huge machine powered by the shifting energy of a dimensional traveller he had captured, whom he believed to be Jenny Everywhere, although she was actually an incarnation of Jenny Nowhere.

Doctor Brain intended to use the portal to send everything in the world that frustrated him into another dimension, including annoying paperwork, I.R.S. auditors, and superheroes. However, moments after the portal was first switched on, a Monstrosity from another dimension began trying to break through. Brain's nemesis Captain Evening intervened, breaking the connection between Jenny and the machinery and thereby switching off the portal. (COMIC: Tales To Behold)

Some time later, Jenny herself, under the alias and disguise of “Evil Cloak”, persuaded Doctor Brain, his daughter Jesse, and a number of other villains to join her plan for world domination. As the first step of her plan, she had them work on rebuilding the Portal. Jesse observed that watching the work made her feel like she was “în Return of the Jedi”. (COMIC: Meanwhile, On Earth) She ultimately used the Portal to summon Gazoom, using herself as a power-source once again. However, Gazoom turned out not to be inclined to obey its summoner, and ate Jenny instead before stepping back through the portal, demanding not to be disturbed again. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)