Jenny Nowhere (Reality Z-25 31-H)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

One incarnation of Jenny Nowhere spent a long time in Reality Z-25 31-H. Looking identical to her corresponding Jenny Everywhere, she used this to maintain a dual identity, joining the superhero team of the Odds as “Jenny Everywhere” while secretly recruiting all their foes under the guise of “Evil Cloak”. Her ultimate agenda of using Doctor Brain's Portal to summon a powerful interdimensional demon eventually proved to be her undoing.


Physical appearance

This version of Jenny Nowhere was wholly identical to her Everywhere to the point of being easily able to impersonate her; she even had a tattoo on her lower back (COMIC: Tales To Behold) to match Everywhere's. (COMIC: Ghost Story) As herself, her outfit included a black cape, boots, gloves, skirt and tank-top, and her hair inexplicably became longer , going down to her shoulders in an unruly mass. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)


Nowhere proved capable of a flawless impersonation of her counterpart Everywhere, including for extended periods of time, (COMIC: Tales To Behold, etc.) and was more generally talented manipulators able to play on others' desires and biases to get them to do what she wanted. (COMIC: Battle of Britain) In contrast to some Nowheres' dour disposition, she was remorselessly gleeful in her villainy. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)

Powers & abilities

As usual for Jenny Nowhere, this incarnation had shifting powers matching her Everywhere's, able to travel freely from one world to the next and to transport others. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells, etc.)


Abducted by Doctor Brain

Jenny introduces herself to Captain Evening. (COMIC: Tales To Behold)

At some point, Jenny arrived in Reality Z-25 31-H. She was knocked out and captured by the supervillain Doctor Brain, who, discovering she had shifting powers, strapped her to a complex piece of machinery to use her as a power source for an interdimensional portal. The machine worked, but rather than the portal being one-way, it allowed an eldritch horror from another dimension to begin crossing over into Brain's world. The superhero Captain Evening intervened, managing to free Jenny from the portal and thereby close the gateway, forcing the horror to retreat. She introduced herself to the Captain as simply “Jenny”. (COMIC: Tales To Behold)

Meeting Mervin

Jenny emergency-shifting a startled Captain Evening. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells)

The two headed to the Captain's home, where Jenny began claiming that she was really Jenny Everywhere. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells) Although she was most probably lying, Nowhere later suggested to the Captain that she had lost her memory due to the trauma of the circumstances of her arrival in this world, and genuinely believed herself to be Jenny Everywhere at the time, though her true memories had soon started returning. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens) At any rate, before she got very far in introducing ‘herself’, she and the Captain had to deal with the intrusion of a demonic Griffin called Merv in the Captain's home.

It quickly turned out that, although not personally malicious, Merv had been magically compelled by Doctor Brain's witch daughter Jesse to wander the world until he killed Captain Evening. To save the Captain, Jenny quickly used her shifting powers to switch him out with his counterpart in a parallel world who was a zombie. Merv dealt what would have been a killing blow to the zombie, fulfilling his magical contract. He resolved to remain in Reality Z-25 31-H, however, to try and get his revenge on Doctor Brain and his daughter. Jenny and the Captain agreed to help him with this goal, having their own grudges against the villain. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells)

Enter Evil Cloak

“Evil Cloak” reveals herself to Doctor Brain for the first time. (COMIC: In Dr. Brain's Kitchen)

In parallel to her activities as Jenny Everywhere, Nowhere created a second guise, a menacing cloaked figure simply known as “Evil Cloak”. She began attempting to recruit other supervillains, first materialising in the kitchen of Doctor Brain. She only succeeded in startling him, however, with him soon regaining his wits and attempting to shoot the apparition. “Evil Cloak” then teleported out as easily as she had come, leaving Brain quite confused. (COMIC: In Dr. Brain's Kitchen)

“Evil Cloak” reiterates her offer for an alliance. (COMIC: Following Up)

She appeared to Doctor Brain again as he drove home after dropping off Jesse at a dance club. Startled by the figure appearing in the middle of the road, Doctor Brain crashed his car, with his suit's bowl being damaged in the crash. With Brain pinned to the ground lest his brain-bowl's fluid leak out, Evil Cloak leaned in and reiterated her suggestion of a partnership. (COMIC: Following Up)

Meeting Rodney Rabbit and Armstrong Fatbuckle

Jenny helps put Armstrong Fatbuckle back together. (COMIC: Enter–the Legion of Light!)

Jenny and the Captain greeted Professor Madison and Rodney Rabbit when they visited the Captain's home in order to experiment with a device intended to detect any further transdimensional portals opened by Brain. While the Captain and Merv tested it with Madison, Rodney soon convinced Jenny to slipd away and sleep with him. A short while later, however, Jenny was back in action, joining Merv, the Captain, Madison and Rodney in an assault on the building where Madison had indeed detected another portal being opened — although it turned out to be nothing to do with Doctor Brain, but rather a conflict between Armstrong Fatbuckle and the Legion of Light. After Armstrong (a living skeleton) was broken apart during the ensuing fight, Jenny enthusiastically participated in the puzzle-like effort to put him back together again, and cheered when the Captain offered him the chance to join the team. (COMIC: Enter–the Legion of Light!)

Facing Armagedda

With the Captain having formalised the unlikely grouping of himself, Jenny, Armstrong Fatbuckle and Merv the Griffin as a proper superhero team, now known as “the Odds”, Jenny found herself involved in the investigation of a series of “reverse robberies” perpetrated across the city. Looking for clues at one of the banks that had been “reverse-robbed”, Jenny used Professor Madison's device to detect “cosmic particle residue” and, shifting herself and the team, followed it to its origin: the sewers where Armagedda had taken up residence. The Captain ordered an ill-advised head-front charge at Armagedda and her henchmen with predictable result, but Jenny escaped captured. With the Captain telling her that Armagedda had a weakness to magic, she got the idea to channel her shifting powers through the Magic Sword of the Legion of Light to forcibly exile Armagedda to another universe, which she was able to do after Armstrong had tricked Armagedda into taking human form. (COMIC: Redistribution)

Recruiting Jesse

Having been recruited by “Evil Cloak”, Doctor Brain was unavailable to bail his daughter Jesse out of jail when she was arrested for suspected underage drinking that same day. Instead, Jesse found, already waiting for her in her cell, “Evil Cloak”, who promised her that the two of them would soon be “good friends”. (COMIC: Redistribution) Back among the Odds, “Jenny Everywhere” decided to throw off suspicion even more decisively by convincing the Captain and Armstrong that she had temporarily lost her shifting powers as a result of her face-off against Armagedda. (COMIC: Shower Intermission)

Trip to England

Jenny manipulates Insecto. (COMIC: Battle of Britain)

Jenny accompanied the other Odds to England after the Captain was called in by Chief Inspector Dennis of Scotland Yard to help a town which was being taken over by Insect People. Still claiming to be unable to shift, she flew there by plane with the others, and had Merv the Griffin carry her up the giant anthill to enter the Insect People's hives. After they made their way to the office of the hive's leader, Insecto, Jenny managed to play to his ego and persuade him to drop his current plans for a covert takeover, and instead run for mayor openly. He was soundly defeated in a landslide election, in large part because Insect People didn't have the right to vote. However, he had already given his word that he would be more pleasant to the citizens from now on.

Jenny agreed, like the others, to Merv's suggestion of extending their vacation in London a little while following this fairly anticlimactic resolution to their adventure. (COMIC: Battle of Britain) They tracked a magical signature Merv the Griffin had perceived, and unearthed the Blue Knight, an immortal Arthurian knight, from underneath a monolith. Jenny was the first to notice that the Knight was in fact still alive, for a given value of “alive” — his spirit still present inside the armour, though his body had wasted away to nothing. Despite their initial worries that the walking armour was some kind of wrathful undead, however, it quickly became apparent that the Knight was thankful to the Odds for freeing him, and he swore allegiance to Captain Evening as his new liege. Shortly after that, Merlin appeared, having projected himself into the future just long enough to fully resurrect the Knight by merging him with the body of his last surviving descendant. (COMIC: Encore)

Locating Armagedda

Evil Cloak makes Armagedda an offer — in style. (COMIC: Armagedda (Reprise))

Once more in the guise of “Evil Cloak”, Nowhere travelled to the universe to which she had banished Armagedda, where, because instead of a sapient human race there existed a species of human-like non-sapient cattle tended to by anthropomorphic cow, Armagedda had had a rather humiliating existence eating grass and living as a farm animal. Appearing as a mysterious hooded rider (thanks to a steed stolen from one of the “cowboys”), Evil Cloak offered to restore Armagedda to her full glory if she agreed to help Evil Cloak with her own plans. Armagedda defiantly refused, however, claiming that a servant of the Cosmic Order would not bargain with “mortals”. Evil Cloak rode off calmly, promising to come back soon to see if Armagedda changed her mind. (COMIC: Armagedda (Reprise))

The Captain Perfect affair

Evil Cloak demonstrates her powers to a terrified Captain Perfect. (COMIC: Meanwhile, On Earth)

Evil Cloak continued to recruit supervillains for her “scheme of world domination”, notably enticing the demon Red Vicious with promises that he would get to “break stuff”. She also contacted morally-dubious “hero” Captain Perfect and helped him devise a scheme to come back in the public eye, suggesting that he stage a fake supervillain attack at the ceremony where Mayor Wilson was set to give him the key to the city, and then dramatically foil it in front of the cameras. She had Doctor Brain and the other villains rebuild the Dimensional Portal. While work was in progress, she slept with Doctor Brain; they were walked in on by Jesse Brain, meaning that Jesse was the first of the villains to realise their true benefactor was Jenny of the Odds. This made her much more interested in the plan than she had previously been.

As Jenny Everywhere, she “revealed” to the Odds that her powers were “back, big-time” and used them to shift the entire group back from England to the Fortress of Evening. After the heroes freshened up a little, their relaxation was cut short when television alerted the group to the attack on the key-giving ceremony. Despite Perfect's weak protests, the group, including Jenny, rushed to “help”; they were unable to defeat the giant mechanical attacker, “Ultimatron”, but distracted Perfect; as he played his rehearsed moves wrong, he got actually knocked out by Ultimatron. At a loss about what to do, the henchpeople operating the Ultimatron robot did their best to actually fight the Odds until the robot was destroyed by Centennia. Jenny joined the afterparty at the Fortress, where the Captain invited not only all the Odds plus Centennia, but also all of his other heroic acquaintances. A little while into the party, Jenny and the Captain snuck off and slept together, although they made it clear to one another that they were remaining just friends and this was simply a bit of fun.

After the party wrapped up, Jenny snuck off and donned the robes of Evil Cloak once again to drop in on Captain Perfect, bemoaning how the plan had gone all wrong. He initially attempted to renege on his agreement with Evil Cloak, believing himself more powerful than the pure schemer he believed Evil Cloak to be. Evil Cloak cowed him back into submission by rapidly shifting him through a variety of nightmarish landscapes without moving a muscle herself, before returning the two of them to Perfect's office. (COMIC: Meanwhile, On Earth)


The duplicitous Jenny Nowhere reveals herself to the Odds, flanked by all their worst enemies. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)

With every piece of her masterplan in place, Jenny was hanging out with the Odds at the Fortress of Evening when Armstrong Fatbuckle revealed that he had encountered Armagedda once again, and led the other Odds to the place where they had crossed paths — which was none other than the building used as a base by Evil Cloak's villains alliance. Jenny dramatically revealed herself as Evil Cloak, shifting out of her Jenny Everywhere outfit at the Odds' side and to the villain's side in the guise of Evil Cloak, before throwing the titular cloak away and finally introducing herself by her true moniker of Jenny Nowhere. Delighting in the pain this revelation caused Captain Evening, who had genuinely considered Jenny a friend, she taunted him by suggesting that her benevolent Everywhere persona might not have been an act, either because she had been dealing with memory-loss at the time she met the Captain, or because “Jenny Everywhere” and “Jenny Nowhere” were simply two Jekyll-and-Hyde personalities of a single woman; however, she seemed to only be leading him on, and she soon ended the psychological torment to order a more physical attack on the Odds by the assembled band of villains.

Jenny Nowhere is eaten alive by Gazoom. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)

The battle was fairly chaotic and did not seem to visibly turn in either team's favour. Frustrated by her villains' failure to deal with the Odds efficiently, she ended up fast-forwarding to the next stage of her plan, plugging herself back into the Trans-Dimensional Portal and focusing her shifting powers through it to summon Gazoom, a humongous demonic entity of great power. After stepping through, Gazoom asked to know who had summoned him, and Nowhere enthusiastically identified herself, thinking this gave her the power to command Gazoom. She began to ask him to deal with her enemies and then conquer the world in her name, but got no further as Gazoom grabbed her and swallowed her whole, explaining that he did not like being disturbed before immediately stepping back through the portal. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)

Incarnations of Jenny Nowhere
Damn Fine Hostile Takeover38167th Universe775th Universe • "Miss Erehwon"
Other notable versions of Jenny Nowhere
Nowhere IslandOriginal Parallax Jenny NowhereParallax Jenny NowhereMore