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In Reality Z-25 31-H, Armagedda was a cosmic giantess wielding nigh-absolute power. She was a servant of what she referred to as the Cosmic Order, describing itself as its Emissionary, and had the power and willingness to destroy Earth and humanity, because they were viewed as a contradiction to the Cosmic Order.


Physical appearance

Armagedda appeared as a woman five times as tall as a human. She was clad in intricate military garb including a large belt, high-heeled boots, heavy shoulder-pads and a cape, and, most strikingly, an intricate helmet leaving only the lower half of her fce visible. (COMIC: Tales To Behold) if she took off the “space suit”, she appeared as a bald, feminine figure glowing with blinding power. After taking human form, she appeared as a tall, attractive woman with pale, smooth skin and glowing, pupil-less eyes. She had very long, slightly curly black hair, and, due to having taken this form for the sake of going on a human-style date with Armstrong Fatbuckle, wore a short, elegant evening dress and high-heeled shoes. (COMIC: Redistribution)


Armagedda was a stern and uncompromising servant of the Cosmic Order. However, she was willing to discuss rationally reasons why she should tarry in her fulfilling of the Order's demands, and, for example, would weigh risks to her own survival against the fulfillment of the mission. Those who managed to turn her away from a set course of action, she was willing to acknowledge as “worthy opponents”. She was described by Mysto as “gullible”. (COMIC: Tales To Behold)

Powers & abilities

Armagedda had access to a powerful “cosmic power” which allowed her to shatter a planet with a thought or disintegrate the whole of a species, as well as to teleport at will, (COMIC: Tales To Behold) change her size and appearance at will, and create objects out of thin air, such as clothing or money. (COMIC: Redistribution)

It also gave her a cosmic “sense”, allowing her to detect such things as cosmic energy, teleportation, and Rifts with her mind. However, this sense was sometimes unable to detect powers originating in dimensions other than her own; (COMIC: Tales To Behold) indeed, she would be powerless in any other universe. This also meant that she had a weakness to magic. (COMIC: Redistribution)


Tricked by Mysto

Armagedda, unwilling to call Mysto's bluff, promises not to destroy the Earth. (COMIC: (COMIC: Tales To Behold)

Armagedda travelled to the Solar System (COMIC: Tales To Behold) twice, (COMIC: Epilogue To The Epilogue) intent on eradicating humanity (probably by destroying the Earth itself) as per the demands of the Cosmic Order. (COMIC: Tales To Behold) She was defeated the first time, and, the second time, (COMIC: Epilogue To The Epilogue) found her way barred by a human magician, Mysto the Space-Wizard. He used prestidigitation to convince her that he was an extradimensional being with abilities dwarfing even her own (since he could make items disappear without her sensing any dimensional phenomena), and got her to promise not to blast humanity or the Earth with her cosmic powers. She vanished, after acknowledging Mysto as a “worthy opponent”. (COMIC: Tales To Behold)

Reverse robberies

Armagedda holds court in the sewers of New York. (COMIC: Redistribution)

Still intent on fulfilling her function, but sticking to her vow not to use her cosmic powers to destroy the Earth directly, Armagedda tried to understand the human economic system; having seen how obsessed modern Americans were with the economy, she believed that throwing the economy out of gear would be a pathway to destroying the planet through non-violent means. To achieve this, she created large amounts of money out of thin air and, hiding out in the sewers of New York City, hired masked henchmen to “reverse-rob” banks, forcing them to add this money to their vaults and registers, thus flooding the economy.

Although hardly world-ending, these puzzling occurrences caught the attention of the New York Police who, unable to crack the case, asked the Odds for help. (COMIC: Redistribution) Professor Madison and Rodney Rabbit were unavailable to help, as they were away at a summit of scientific geniuses. (COMIC: Battle of Britain) Jenny Nowhere was able to use Professor Madison's device to detect cosmic particle residue at one of the banks and follow it to the sewers through shifting. There, the Odds overheard Armagedda monologuing to her henchmen about her plans. Captain Evening ordered an ill-advised charge which saw Armagedda easily incapacitate him, Merv the Griffin and Armstrong Fatbuckle. However, when she asked the “Earthlings” what they hoped to achieve, given that the destruction of the Earth was fated and inevitable, Armstrong improvised an answer claiming that they wished to survive long enough to pass what he called humanity's greatest cultural achievement: the “all-American date”. (COMIC: Redistribution)

In human form

Armagedda, in human form, becomes stranded in a parallel universe. (COMIC: Redistribution)

Armagedda was reluctantly convinced to accompany Armstrong on a date so as to “preserve” it, taking human form for this purpose. This took the better part of the evening; she was unenthused by most of it, although she seemed to mildly enjoy going back to Armstrong's place and what they did there. Returning to her sewer lair, however, she was punched by Merv the Griffin while still in human form; before she could turn back to her true form, Jenny used the Magic Sword of the Legion of Light to channel her shifting powers and banish her to another randomly-selected universe. There, she found, to her dismay, that she could no longer use her powers and thus couldn't shed her human form; to compound matters, this was not a universe where humans were the dominant species, instead existing only as non-sentient cattle by anthropomorphic bovines. (COMIC: Redistribution)

Armagedda defiantly resists Evil Cloak's temptation. (COMIC: Armagedda (Reprise))

Persistently treated as a farm animal, Armagedda resigned herself to her fate, caring little for her own welfare (though her fall from grace did wound what pride she had) but worrying about how the Cosmic Order would be maintained without her help. Eventually, she was visited by a mysterious hooded rider calling herself “Evil Cloak”, who offered to restore her to her full glory if she pledged herself to Evil Cloak's service. Armagedda defiantly refused, and Evil Cloak rode off promising to come back soon enough to see if Armagedda changed her mind after thinking on her proposition. (COMIC: Armagedda (Reprise))

Return to Earth

Armagedda was unable to get involved in the actual fighting between the Odds and Jenny Nowhere's alliance of villains. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)

Eventually, Armagedda accepted Evil Cloak's offer and was returned to Reality Z-25 31-H with her powers restored. Indeed, she proved essential to Evil Cloak's masterplan, serving as the bait to lure the Odds to their doom. She tracked down Armstrong Fatbuckle and claimed to him that she had reformed and wanted to go on another date with him purely for the fun of it. After a pleasant evening, she took him back to “her place”, a building in Queens that was really the home base of all the allied villains gathered by Evil Cloak. When Armstrong, gnawed by doubt, admitted to the other Odds that Armagedda was back, he led the Odds to the building, where the assembled villains were lying in wait.

When Evil Cloak, after revealing herself as Jenny Nowhere, ordered her villains to attack the Odds, Armstrong prepared to fight Armagedda, but was surprised to find that she wasn't attacking. She explained that she did not, of course, actually love him, but was simply prevented from harming Earthlings by her earlier vow not to “pulverise the Earth or its inhabitants”. She had no further involvement in the night's events, and, after Jenny Nowhere was killed by Gazoom, left with the other villains as they and the heroes agreed to call it a day with no more fighting. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)

Behind the scenes

Armagedda, as particularly evidenced by her helmet, is an obvious loving parody of the Marvel Comics villain Galactus. Her name is reminiscent of “Armageddon”.

Recurring elements of The Cosmic Beholder
The Odds
The Blue KnightCaptain EveningCentenniaArmstrong FatbuckleMerv the GriffinJenny EverywhereJenny NowhereJung-La
The Terrific Two & associates
KellyJenkinsProfessor MadisonRobot MadisonRodney RabbitThe Mutant
ArmageddaBureau of SingularityCaptain PerfectDoctor BrainThe DevilHexiaInsectoJesse BrainNew Protectors (Kate Kerrigan)
Other characters
AliciaBabsThe Big Bad WolfGlow GirlThe Human TreeMysto the Space-WizardRed Riding HoodTerry Tornado
Doctor Brain's PortalFortress of EveningMagic Sword of the Legion of LightOdd MobileProfessor Madison's deviceSkycicle