
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In Reality Z-25 31-H, Alicia was the college roommate of Jesse Brain. Alongside Jesse and Babs, she studied witchcraft as New York University, as well as supervillainy.


Physical appearance

Alicia was a thin young woman with dark, straight hair. She wore a white shirt, a black skirt and tie, and fishnet leggings. (COMIC: Blast From The Past)


Alicia seemed to enjoy causing drama, as demonstrated by her purposefully humiliating her own roommate in class (albeit in a minor way), (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells) and earlier by her seeming all too happy to help Kelly dig up dirt on her boss. (COMIC: Blast From The Past) She did have a sensitive side, notably being extremely affected when Doctor Brain made it clear that he did not reciprocate the romantic interest that she had developed for him. (COMIC: The Sleepover)

Powers & abilities

Though only a student, Alicia seemed to be a talented witch. She demonstrated enough skill at divination to discover precise, actionable evidence of Mr Grangler's tax fraud, (COMIC: Blast From The Past) and knew a spell offhand which Jesse had forgotten. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells)


With Babs and Jesse

Alicia assists Kelly using divination. (COMIC: Blast From The Past)

While Alicia was studying “witchcraft with a minor in supervillainy” at NYU with Jesse and Babs, the three went through an internship at Mr Grangler's stock-broking company for unclear reasons. They were assigned to then-Junior Deputy Assistant Secretary Kelly to handle. Their magical abilities turned out to be extremely useful for predicting the stock market and digging up dirt on colleagues and competitors, ultimately allowing Kelly to get her boss arrested and replace him as head of the company. In thanks, she gave the three girls A+s on their internship. (COMIC: Blast From The Past)

Falling out with Jesse

Alicia and Babs receive an unexpected visit from their old boss — who comes with an even more unusual request! (COMIC: Journey Out Of Misery)

She was also Jesse's roommate until the day she embarrassed Jesse in class, upsetting Jesse to the point that she moved out of the dorms and went back to live with her father, Doctor Brain. (COMIC: For Whom The Toll Bells) Alicia and Babs ended up rooming together. (COMIC: Journey Out Of Misery) Jesse soon made up with her friends, but did not return to the dorms with them, as she was dropping out of college altogether for the semester due to her involvement in one of her father's evil schemes. She phoned Alicia and Babs to update them on her situation, and was in turn updated on the current gossips in their social circles. (COMIC: Meanwhile, On Earth)

Visit from Kelly

Alicia and Babs received a visit from Kelly, who had, in the meantime, lost her company, gained superpowers, and then lost said superpowers as a side-effect of having murdered her superhero partner Jenkins. She asked them if they knew a ritual which could send her to Hell so that she could bring Jenkins's soul back and resurrect him. They agreed, greatly enjoying the task of functionally murdering Kelly, albeit in the knowledge that she would (probably) return. After Kelly returned with Jenkins and recovered her powers, she flew out of their apartment, crashing out through the wall. The two witch-girls took this in stride, going off to play some video games together rather than do anything about it or stay to watch Kelly's ensuing superheroic fight against the Cosmic Solution. (COMIC: Journey Out Of Misery)

Sleepover at Jesse's

Alicia was heartbroken when she realised Doctor Brain did not reciprocate her feelings for him and, indeed, saw the idea of a relationship between them as inappropriate on principle due to their age gap. (COMIC: The Sleepover)

Alicia and Babs later set a date with Jesse to have a sleepover at her place. When the two got back to Jesse's apartment after going shopping together, Jesse was initially ticked off when she discovered that her father had forgotten about the scheduled sleepover and made no effort to be elsewhere tonight. However, Alicia suggested that the Doctor could stay and hang out with them, and he reluctantly agreed, ending up having a pretty good time, notably cooking up a “devilish” salsa in his laboratory for use at dinner. After all four watched a zombie movie together, the girls separated from the Doctor and played a board game in Jesse's bedroom until fairly late in the night, when they went to bed, all sharing Jesse's. This made Jesse and Babs notice when Alicia slipped out partway through the night; they assumed she'd simply gone to the bathroom, but in actual fact, having developed an inappropriate crush on Doctor Brain, she was in his bedroom, having decided to surprise him by placing herself on his bed naked in a seductive pose. Brain was instead mortified at the sight, however, shooing the much younger woman out of his room and muttering about “the youth these days” — a rejection which left Alicia in tears. (COMIC: The Sleepover) The following morning as they all had breakfast, the Doctor and Alicia tried to “play it cool”, only for Jesse to bluntly ask Alicia why she'd been gone from the bedroom for a while the previous night. (COMIC: Moment of Truth)

Recurring elements of The Cosmic Beholder
The Odds
The Blue KnightCaptain EveningCentenniaArmstrong FatbuckleMerv the GriffinJenny EverywhereJenny NowhereJung-La
The Terrific Two & associates
KellyJenkinsProfessor MadisonRobot MadisonRodney RabbitThe Mutant
ArmageddaBureau of SingularityCaptain PerfectDoctor BrainThe DevilHexiaInsectoJesse BrainNew Protectors (Kate Kerrigan)
Other characters
AliciaBabsThe Big Bad WolfGlow GirlThe Human TreeMysto the Space-WizardRed Riding HoodTerry Tornado
Doctor Brain's PortalFortress of EveningMagic Sword of the Legion of LightOdd MobileProfessor Madison's deviceSkycicle