Cosmic Solution

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In Reality Z-25 31-H, the Cosmic Solution was a fearsome robotic servant of the Cosmic Order.

Much like Armagedda before it, the Solution was sent to Earth to destroy humanity. It was barely toy-sized as it flew through space, but had the capacity to grow in size and mass every time it absorbed a shock of any kind, meaning it quickly became a threat after landing in the busy streets of New York, and then kept on growing as various authorities and then superheroes tried to fight back. Hank Richards briefly found a way to weaken and shrink the Solution by using a machine he had built to sap its energy away, reversing its growth, but this was short-lived.

However, another agent of the Cosmic Order had been sent to Earth alongside the Solution, with the task of seeing if Earth was worth saving. The only condition for the Cosmic Order to award the people of the Earth another million years of existence was to find a single human willing to mount an argument that the world deserved to be saved. It finally came in the unexpected form of Jenkins, who answered the agent's question with the opinion that it was “all worth it” for building up to the supremely funny absurdity of the failure of Kelly's plan to defeat the Solution. Accepting this uncritically, the agent revealed his true nature and called off the Solution, who immediately obeyed him. The two then flew back into space together after delivering a last few words of advice to humanity, cautioning them to do the best of the time they'd been given. (COMIC: Journey Out Of Misery)

The damage from the Solution's attack, which had included the creation of a rip in reality in Times Square, was subsequently cleaned up by Professor Madison with the help of the heroes who had taken part in the fight itself. (COMIC: Epilogue to Destruction)