Blast From The Past (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Blast From The Past was a bonus to the fourth chapter in the Journey Into Misery subseries of the webcomic The Cosmic Beholder. Written and drawn by Paul Hoppe, it was released both in webcomic form and in a limited print run.

Although Jenny Everywhere was a recurring character in The Cosmic Beholder, she only had a short, non-speaking cameo in this story, which was instead a short flashback revealing the backstory of recurring character Kelly.



In a flashback to before she was even Jenkins's boss (let alone his reluctant fellow superhero), Kelly is herself a put-upon underling to the tyrannical Mr Grangler — his Junior Deputy Assistant Secretary, to be exact. However, when three student interns assigned to her to oversee turn out to have a major in witchcraft and a minor in supervillainy, she decides to make them use their talents as seers to help her play the stock market and dig up dirt on her colleagues. By the end of the internship period, Grangler is arrested for tax fraud while Kelly's career is on a meteoric rise, and, recognising those to whom she owes it all, she naturally gives Alicia, Jesse and Babs a round of A+s.





Behind the scenes

Read online

Blast From The Past is available online on the Cosmic Beholder blog.