
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

“Mighty Gazoom” was a powerful titan-sized demonic entity of great power, who existed in another dimension than Reality Z-25 31-H. It had four eyes, three-toed arms and legs, and a large toothy maw, with its head and torso indistinct from one another.

Gazoom was large and powerful enough that Jenny Nowhere was seemingly unable to shift it using her own powers. Instead, seeking to summon Gazoom so that it would do her bidding, she took control of Doctor Brain and had him rebuild his Dimensional Portal. However, after she'd lured the Odds near the portal with the help of Brain and multiple other villains, when she activated the portal using her own powers and summoned Gazoom, Gazoom was upset at having been disturbed, and showed no signs of being bound to obey its summoner as Nowhere had assumed. Instead, having learned that she was responsible for the summoning, Gazoom grabbed her and swallowed her whole before leaving again. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)