Jenny Anywhere

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
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Jenny Anywhere, or Penny Anywhere, was a shifter similar to Jenny Everywhere, although she did not exist in every reality of the Multiverse, but “merely” in an indefinitely large number of them. Though less idealistic than the other Jenny, Jenny Anywhere was also an agent of good, and the two were generally friends when they met.

According to one account, there were many Anywheres with various names and agenda across the Multiverse, who all adopted names of the form "[First Name] Anywhere" and were characterised by their reckless but creative attempts to increase the size and complexity of the Multiverse ever further by branching off new, artificial timelines from existing universes. What relationship, if any, any given incarnation of Jenny Anywhere bore to this group was exceedingly unclear.


Physical appearance

Jenny Anywhere was typically a tall pale-skinned woman with long straight hair. In her clothing she seemed to favour the colour red, with a burgundy trenchcoat as her most recognisable article of clothing. She also wore a scarf like Jenny Everywhere, but no goggles. She tended to have dyed hair. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere and Friends)

However, a few incarnations more closely resembled Jenny Everywhere. One had the Jenny-typical brown skin and short black hair, but had gold-amber eyes. She wore clothing similar to her version of Everywhere, going barefoot with a scarf, goggles, T-shirt, and skirt, but her attire was sun-themed instead of Everywhere's flower-themed; (COMIC: Is it gay to have a crush on the person you are cloned from) this gold, solar theme was shared by at least one other incarnation. (COMIC: Jenny Nowhere Is Sus, She's The Impostor!)


Jenny Anywhere strove to be a heroic figure, much like Jenny Everywhere. Indeed, she had patterned her public persona on the other Jenny's and was desperate for the real deal's approval. However, there were marked differences between them; rather than a happy-go-lucky wanderer, Anywhere was driven and practical, and occasionally let anger or frustration get the better of her. She was sometimes ruthless in pursuit of the greater good, in ways Jenny Everywhere would have disapproved of. (PROSE: The Disappearance of Jenny Everywhere)

Powers & abilities

Jenny Anywhere was a powerful shifter, able to teleport across universes with accuracy, like Jenny Everywhere. However, her various counterparts did not share a mental link. Not having any connection to Everywhere but a superficial one, Anywhere was also unable to shift to the Infinite.

At least in some incarnations, Jenny Anywhere was also a skilled physical fighter, capable of getting the best of the likes of Jenny Nowhere in a scuffle. (PROSE: The Disappearance of Jenny Everywhere)


On the Island of Barbelo

In a number of realities, “Penny Anywhere” actually began a shifter before Jenny Everywhere, and found her way to the Island of Barbelo, where Jenny was being raised in secret to hide her from her mother's enemies. She would then inspire Jenny Everywhere to become curious about the outside world and run away from home to explore. In other variations of this story across the continua, Laura Drake held this role in place of Anywhere. (PROSE: The Hermetic Garbage of Jenny Everywhere)

In Reality Z-25 31-H

See main article: Jenny Anywhere (Reality Z-25 31-H)

A version of Jenny Anywhere often travelled with the version of Jenny Everywhere often associated with Reality Z-25 31-H. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere and Friends, 24 Hour Comic 2019, etc.)

In the 38167th Universe

See main article: Jenny Anywhere (38167th Universe)

The 38167th Universe's Jenny Everywhere was friends with a version of Jenny Anywhere (PROSE: Family Business) who wore the classic red trench-coat. (PROSE: The Disappearance of Jenny Everywhere)

Trapped in a “Very Ordinary” world

See main article: Jenny Anywhere (Is it gay to have a crush on the person you are cloned from)

One universe's incarnation of Jenny Anywhere was friends with the version of Jenny Everywhere (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere and the Very Normal Story) who often had to deal with a Jenny Nowhere who was in love with her. (COMIC: That Feeling When Your Antagonist Is Gay For You, etc.) Anywhere was dating Jimmy Anytime; by joining their powers, they could travel through time as well as across dimensions. (PROSE: Wherever at Anytime)

As a Crewmate

See main article: Jenny Anywhere (Jenny Nowhere Is Sus, She's The Impostor!)

In one universe, Jenny Somewhere was a Crewmate in a futuristic, spacesuit-wearing crew; her spacesuit was yellow, with a sun motif. Also in the crew were Jenny Everywhere and Jenny Nowhere. Unbeknownst to Everywhere and Anywhere, however, Nowhere was actually a murderous Impostor. After a body was found near some vents, the two real Crewmates began investigating, deducing that the Impostor must be someone from electric; however, returning to the scene of the crime, they seemed unaware that Nowhere was lurking in the shadows in person, dagger in hand. (COMIC: Jenny Nowhere Is Sus, She's The Impostor!)

Brad Mason's friend

See main article: Jenny Anywhere (Grand Opening)

One version of Jenny was friends with Brad Mason as well as Jenny Everywhere in one universe. She appeared as a European woman with long black hair, somewhat taller than jenny. She is wearing a red sweater over a short, low-cut gray dress, black leggings, and red boots. (VIDEO: Grand Opening)

Pride 2022

See main article: Jenny Anywhere (Family Business)

In addition to many incarnations of Jenny Everywhere, at least one version of Jenny Anywhere was present at the pride party (PROSE: Family Business) organised in 2022 at Professor Helvetius's Convenient Pride Decorations Shop by Jenny Over-There and Dynamite Thor. (PROSE: A Series of Queer Events)

Among Us affair

See main article: Jenny Anywhere (Among Us ft. Dr. Who)

One version of Jenny Anywhere was present on a spaceship in one universe where the First Doctor, Susan Foreman, (COMIC: Among Us ft. Dr. Who) Peter Griffin and John Cena (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere meets Peter Griffin) became involved in a bloody mystery strangely reminiscent of the 21st century video game Among Us.(COMIC: Among Us ft. Dr. Who)

Behind the scenes


Jenny Anywhere was unveiled by Carter-Ethan Rankin in April 2013 on the Public Domain Super-Heroes Wiki, using the same open-source license as Jenny Everywhere's, as part of an effort to create a recurring background cast for Jenny that could be used as freely as the Shifter herself. Rankin created Jimmy Wherever and Jimmy Anytime around the same period.

The public-domain blurb written by Rankin to introduce the character included many details which have yet to be translated into narrative media.

Jenny Anywhere is a recently appeared wannabe of Jenny Everywhere. Although her intentions are good, she is not original by any means. Her power isn't even as good as Jenny Everywhere's, Jenny Anywhere can only shift between realities but, not through time.

In terms of looks and dress, she appears generally along the same lines as Jenny Everywhere, although a tad more modern fashion-wise and has abandoned the aviation goggles (if she ever had any to begin with).

More recently, Jimmy Anytime, a genetically modified clone created from a tissue sample obtained from the real Jimmy Wherever, and accelerated to maturity artificially in an attempt to capture and subdue Jenny Anywhere has appeared. Though, who did this and why matters little, in terms of the characters themselves. Although originally rivals, Jimmy Anytime saw through his mental programming and joined sides with Jenny Anywhere. The two are now a couple.

Jimmy Anytime has been created with time travelling abilities to coincide with Jenny Anywhere being able to shift to any other location and/or reality but, not forward or backward in time. They may join their powers together by simply holding hands, in order for both to travel through space and time.

Carter-Ethan Rankin

A short time later, Jeanne Morningstar criticised some aspects of the character as created by Rankin, suggesting various tweaks and additional features.[1] This included a proposal to rename the character to “Julie Anywhere” to prevent confusion, which was not used by subsequent stories (with The Jenny Everywhere Chronicles instead using the name of Julie for Jenny's sister). Morningstar would later push for “Penny Anywhere” as the new name for the character, namedropping her under this name in The Hermetic Garbage of Jenny Everywhere.

Hmm. I wasn’t fond of either of those concepts when I first came across them in the wiki–they seemed too limited and limiting–and I’ve already come up with a completely different supporting cast, but this is a neat piece of art. So here’s how I would handle handle them, since I’m sure everyone wanted to know. (…) Jenny Anywhere, on the other hand–I don’t think “Jenny” should be her name, as that makes things unnecessarily confusing. The first name that Barbelith came up for JE was “Julie,” so I’d go with that. Contrary to the original bio, she can shift through space and time but doesn’t connect to her counterparts. Anyway, if Jimmy, in a weird sort of of way, reflects Jimmy Olsen, than Julie would be Lois Lane. Someone who’s naturally cynical and hard-bitten and determined, but she looks up to Jenny, but also wants to challenge her. But their relationship isn’t romantic–it’s more of a legacy hero/mentor relationship. (Well, hardly ever.) To put it another way–if Jenny Everywhere is Two and (character I haven’t properly introduced yet) is Six, then Julie is Nine. Well, the coat makes me think of Nine.
Jeanne Morningstar

Some time later, artist "Lady Kraken" posted another interpretation of the character, alongside her own rendition thereof.

Jenny Anywhere is also known as "The Makeshift Shifter", or just "Jen A" to her friends. She has limited "Shifter" abilities based off of a serum that was made from Jenny Everywhere's DNA. She can teleport through space and time, so long as she has a visual aid of where she's going, and she can "alter dimensional properties", but the altering only lasts for an hour before changing back to the original state. Shifting between realities also takes a physical toll on her. She's a public domain character who can be used by anyone, so long as you include this paragraph.
Lady Kraken

Notes & References

Incarnations of Jenny Anywhere
Reality Z-25 31-H38167th UniverseIs it gay to have a crush on the person you are cloned from
Other versions of Jenny Anywhere
Grand OpeningFamily Business1511th Universe • More
Open-source elements making up the core Jenny Everywhere mythos
Jenny AnywhereJenny Everywhere
Companions & associates of Jenny Everywhere
Jimmy AnytimeLaura DrakeJenny ElsewhereBunny EveryhareSophie EverytimeHakheJulie JacobsThe Man in GreyNeetaOctobrianaJenny Over-ThereShatterScreenJenny SomewhereJimmy WhereverMichael Wherever
Villains & enemies of Jenny Everywhere
ChaosDeathThe DevilCardinal DraculaLaura DrakeLord GrallyxJenny NowhereBunny Nullhare
The Abstracts
Chaos (Chaos)Illumination (Lit)Knowledge (Lailoken)Luminance (Rae)Misfortune (Odious)Terror (Strach)
The InfiniteThe MultiverseShifting • The Unfinite
Notable elements of Kaza's Mate, Gwenna
Major Characters
GwennaKazaNulaCommissioner SmedleyGeorge Wimberly
Supporting Characters
CentenniaGanaJung-LaKianaLenore PeabodySerena PeabodySierraUzai
Alice MurattaGeneral MurattaMitchellNerlanaThe Serpent PriestThe SkullRo-ManMedea
Other characters
Android #709Jenny AnywhereThe Black OwlDanielle DavisGeorge DavisMiranda DavisNick DeForrestAndrea DoyleJenny EverywhereDeena HancockErnie MacGuffinFred “Junior” HancockThe Giant BadgerHerbie PopneckerMartha ElsworthMyoka NabatoNerkashCaptain NorangaNyotaSafraVan HornVincentElizabeth WimberlyZeb the Zebra
Kovari tribeLeague of ChampionsNatari tribeSerpent CultSisterhood
The Adventurers ClubAfricaBogana villageBurandaBuranda PassKoganaKogana RiverKoravi villageMacrobianaThe Naked JungleNatari villageObelisk of RangoraPort VictoriaTemple of the Serpent GodZamunda
Kooba Fruit PiesObelisk of RangoraSolomon's DiamondThemiscyran Throwing Necklace