Jenny Anywhere (Is it gay to have a crush on the person you are cloned from)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

One universe's incarnation of Jenny Anywhere was friends with the version of Jenny Everywhere (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere and the Very Normal Story) who often had to deal with a Jenny Nowhere who was in love with her. (COMIC: That Feeling When Your Antagonist Is Gay For You, etc.)

This Anywhere was dating Jimmy Anytime. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere and the Very Normal Story)


Physical appearance

This Jenny Anywhere had a strong resemblance to her Jenny Everywhere, despite not being a clone of her; she had a similar skin tone and short black hair. However, she had golden-amber eyes. Her outfit was deliberately modeled on Everywhere's, but with a golden solar motif instead of Jenny's flower motif; she wore a sun pin in her hair, golden goggles, a light yellow scarf patterned with warmer-yellow suns, a short-sleeved yellow shirt with a central print of the same sun symbol, and a short black skirt dotted with yet more golden sun. Like her Everywhere, she went barefoot. (COMIC: Is it gay to have a crush on the person you are cloned from)


After developing a crush on Jenny Somewhere, Anywhere, who had hitherto been dating Jimmy Anytime, came to question her sexuality. (COMIC: Is it gay to have a crush on the person you are cloned from) However, she eventually simply admitted to the crush to Jimmy while reasserting that it was him she truly loved; the two had a similar confession to make, with the episode strengthening their commitment to one another rather than weakening it. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere and the Nowhere Spiral)

Powers & abilities

By joining her powers to Jimmy Anytime's, Anywhere could travel through time as well as across dimensions with Jimmy, something of which they were each incapable on their own. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere and the Very Normal Story)


Identity troubles

Jenny Anywhere stares at a stretching Jenny Somewhere while out walking with Jimmy Anytime. (COMIC: Is it gay to have a crush on the person you are cloned from)

Jenny Anywhere adopted her persona “copying” Jenny Everywhere. Dating Jimmy Anytime, she was out walking with him on a sunny day when she spotted Jenny Somewhere, a clone of Jenny Everywhere, and realised that she'd developed a crush on her, causing her to question her sexuality. She was unaware that Jimmy was at the same moment having similar thoughts about Jimmy Wherever. (COMIC: Is it gay to have a crush on the person you are cloned from)

Trapped in a “Very Ordinary” world

Jenny Nowhere once managed to trap both of them in a conspicuously mundane universe from which it was impossible to shift, alongside several others among Jenny's allies, and, ultimately, Jenny herself. While they tried to figure out their situation, Anywhere and Anytime shared a romantic evening dancing at night under willow trees; each of the two confided to the other that they'd had feelings for other people (in Jenny's case, none other than Jenny Everywhere and Jenny Somewhere) but reaffirmed that it was one another that they truly loved. The two later stood with Jenny Everywhere against Nowhere, ultimately resulting in the shifters being allowed to leave. (PROSE: Jenny Everywhere and the Very Normal Story)

Later adventures

This Anywhere and her Everywhere had a treehouse on Jupiter in one universe. After discovering that all the Jimmy Anytimes and Jimmy Wherevers in the Multiverse had somehow lost their interdimensional connection, they met up in the treehouse to share notes, and came to the conclusion that this must be Nowhere's doing, with Nowhere having somehow turned Anytime's time-travel powers against him to cancel out the two Jimmies' existence (as interdimensional beings) altogether. Jenny Everywhere shifted herself and Anywhere to Nowhere's current location, where they discovered that she had managed to abduct the “original” Wherever and Anytime and regressed them to before Anytime realised he was not Jimmy Wherever. Anywhere managed to liberate them, however, and, after one of the two Jimmies attacked the other (outing himself as Anytime), she grabbed onto him and triggered his own time-travel powers to bring him and Wherever back in time to where they'd been taken from, fixing the timeline. (PROSE: Wherever at Anytime)

Incarnations of Jenny Anywhere
Reality Z-25 31-H38167th UniverseIs it gay to have a crush on the person you are cloned from
Other versions of Jenny Anywhere
Grand OpeningFamily Business1511th Universe • More