Hell Is Too Good For Him (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Hell Is Too Good For Him was the a comic created by Paul Hoppe. Originally printed in 2010 in Issue 12 of the zine Rabid Rabbit, it was integrated in 2012 into the run of the webcomic The Cosmic Beholder, which prominently featured “Jenny Everywhere” (really Jenny Nowhere posing as her) as part of the Odds. The main character of Hell Is Too Good For Him was picked up by the next Cosmic Beholder story, where he joined the Odds himself.



The demoness Mephista tells the story of Armstrong Fatbuckle, the so-called “Worst Man in the World”. A rude and drunken libertine, Fatbuckle dies in a car crash after a particularly spirited party and naturally ended up in Hell. However, he soon proves just as much of a chaotic and offensive nuisance to the Devil as he had been to all his hosts in life — up to an including sleeping with the Devil's own consort Mephista. Outraged, the Devil bans Fatbuckle from Hell, sending him back to Earth as an undead skeleton. More or less unphased, Fatbuckle soon resumes his fine life as a skeleton (even if he regrets that he can no longer enjoy the pleasures of the flesh and merely has to make do with partying and dancing for their own sake).



  • This story takes place all in one universe, later named as Reality Z-25 31-H. Its Hell is prominently featured, and it is suggested that it merely exists underground, beneath the Earth.


  • The Devil liks bourbon and deplores that it's hard to get good liquor in Hell.


Behind the scenes

Read online

As well as having been printed in Rabid Rabbit #12, Hell Is Too Good For Him is available online on the Cosmic Beholder blog.