Acquaintanceship-982 and the Missing Mail Mystery (short story)

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Acquaintanceship-982 and the Missing Mail Mystery was a Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids short story written by Lupan Evezan and illustrated by Aristide Twain. It was the first to star the Blue Feather characters, although the organisation had been introduced earlier in a Fact File.



In the headquarters of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids' little-respected “backup taskforce” (which are really an abandoned warehouse), the Blue Feather, team leader Acquaintanceship-982 is sulking at his “desk” (which is really an overturned crate). Just as he is mulling over how much he would love his team to be put to the test with an actually important assignment, Philatel-426 of the Department of Postal Services walks in. He recruits the Blue Feather to investigate the disappearance of a mailbag from the D.P.S. building. Although he does tell them that, as far as he knows, no especially important documents were to be found therein, Acquaintanceship is overjoyed at having a real investigation to sink his teeth into.

He rallies his teammates — cheerful Ally-1243, brooding Pessimist-242, mischief-loving Larrikin-1029 and preening, stuffy Dandy-432. They decide to begin with their investigation by finding Philatel again to ask him for further details. They meet him in his office, which Acquaintanceship notes with much envy is well-decorated, even having a cushion in a corner. Philatel is tetchy and, after Larrikin almost attacks him, sends them out with no further data. They make their way to the mail-sorting station to look for clues. Finding none, they get the idea to interview Lord Thymon, whom they find in the delivery wing. Thymon convinces them that he is not to blame for the bag going missing, but reports having seen one Cupid not employed by the D.P.S. in the area: Marksmanship-522.

Convinced that he's the mail-bag thief, the Blue Feather head to Marksmanship's house, where, this being his day off, Marksmanship himself is having a nap. Larrikin picks the lock and they surprise him in his bedroom, capturing him in a burlap sack. However, the innocent Cupid quickly explains that he was merely at the Post Office to borrow a few stamps from Philatel for his own stamp collection.

Elsewhere, Foreman-964 is meeting with the other Head Construction Cupids of the Department of Construction to plan out the Department's next superfluous warehouse — “the biggest one yet, six stories tall and with twelve rooms on each floor”, which they intend to build on the current location of the Post Office's west wing after demolishing the latter. As it transpires, the work has halted due to the blueprints having failed to arrive in the mail. An irate Foreman decides to contact Philatel and give him a piece of his mind.

Meanwhile, the Blue Feather have continued interviewing “suspects” who'd been glimpsed in the vicinity of the Post Office recently, to little avail. Acquaintanceship is called on his two-way communicator by Foreman, who explains that he got in touch with Philatel about the blueprints and was told that they were among the items of mail in the stolen mailbag. Her further states that he is going to have the Blue Feather taken off the case and place it in the hands of the Scarlet Wings, the Crew's actually competent primary taskforce. However, after he hangs up, what Foreman lets slip turns out to be just what Acquaintanceship needed to hear to solve the mystery himself: Philatel has now shown that he knew what was in the bag, meaning his earlier claim otherwise to the Blue Feather was a lie. He absconded with the mailbag to halt Foreman's work, which would destroy part of his Post Office, and put the Blue Feather on the case to divert suspicion, under the assumption that they were too incompetent to find him out.

To get definitive proof, the Blue Feather Cupids resolve to get Philatel out of his office. However, Dandy's attempt to convince him to go on an innocuous walk fails miserably, and it falls to Larrikin to tackle him to the ground after having hung in wait, upside-down, from the ceiling light, and then trap him in a burlap sack. While Ally locates the mailbag — which was disguised as the cushion Acquaintanceship saw earlier — a frantic and shame-faced Philatel admits to the theft, explaining that he saw no other choice to salvage the west wing, where he stores his stamp collection.

Ultimately, rather than turn Philatel over to the Department of Discipline, the Blue Feather use their discovery into letting them set up shop in the west wing itself, while the Department of Construction are persuaded to bulldoze and replace their old headquarters instead. Just as they're finished settling in, Colonel-028 rushes in with a case for them: his pie has been stolen, with a paper fish as the only clue left on the scene of the crime.





Behind the scenes

Read online

The story can be read for free on the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids website.