Marksmanship-522 and the Multi-Dimensional Race (short story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Marksmanship-522 and the Multi-Dimensional Race was a Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids short story written by Lupan Evezan and illustrated by Aristide Twain. It was Evezan's first long-form Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids and the first to start Marksmanship-522.



Marksmanship-522, of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids, has been assigned to romanticise a mere two people from an alien planet in the Prime Universe. After climbing out of his Fog Ship at his destination, he quickly finds the two houses on hills facing each other that he was instructed to find, and goes up to one of them. Its owner, Lilathia, initially thinks that he is an assassin sent by the other house's owner, Brutus, and captures him in a burlap sack.

However, after he clarifies that he is a neutral visitor from another world, Lilathia is overjoyed to have a “neutral robot” on her hands and brings him to Brutus's house. They explain that they are the last members of each of their species still carrying on a feud that started as a centuries-long war between their peoples (although they are not the last of their kind altogether — most of their kinsmen simply got tired of the hostilities and went on vacation in outer space, leaving the two alone on the ravaged planet). To settle their differences once and for all and bring an end to the protracted conflict, they long ago decided on wagering the outcome on a cross-dimensional race. However, with no neutral arbiter to determine who won in case of a close race, they had to put it off until now.

Marksmanship is thus shanghaied aboard Lilathia's pan-dimensional speedster (with Lilathia crashing the latter into Marksmanship's Fog Ship to prevent him from escaping) and the race is on, a dizzying faster-than-lgiht experience that cuts a trail of mayhem across the Multiverse and leaves Marksmanship barely able to think coherently once the two ships finish their tour of all that is and return to their starting point. A somewhat babbling Marksmanship is forced to admit that as far as he could tell, the Grand Prix ended in a tie. Lilathia and Brutus are surprisingly pleased with this result, as they felt they wouldn't have known what to do with themselves if they'd had to stop feuding. Marksmanship is all too happy to take the fact that they're happy feuding as equivalent to them having been successfully romanticised, and returns to the Homeworld in Lilathia's speedster, which she graciously gives him, having no further need of it.

Back in the house Homeworld, Marksmanship hands in his paperwork to the Department of Completed Assignments and specifically requests “that he not be assigned to anything else that might involve any sort of high speeds ever again” before donating the speedster to the Department of Transportation. All is well that ends wall, except for Bibliophile-962 of the Department of Documentation, who is not best pleased at the huge new list of universes to document all from a single Cupid mission.





Behind the scenes

Read online

The story can be read for free on the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids website.