
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Tpxszum, whose name was pronounced “Rozalyn”, leading her to be sometimes nicknamed “Roz”, was one of the two waiters of the Interdimensional Tavern, alongside another member of the same species as her, Frederick.


Physical appearance

Tpxszum was a “furry creature”, her fur being a “tasteful” violet hue. She has six mauve tentacles as limbs, jutting out from the ball of fur that was the bulk of her body; she could use these interchangeably as arms or legs. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)


She was once seen to read a newspaper known as the Quantum-Scientific Arisrian during a break, suggesting she was more educated than one might assume given her occupation. She was at any rate the bolder and more proactive of the two waiters. (PROSE: Multiversal Mischief) She liked Alistair Neezley, although she was aware that his self-aggrandising stories were nonsense and had no qualms about telling him as much. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)


Tpxszum and Frederick were the last two survivors of Dimension )-0//zx after its destruction. They were already part of the Tavern's staff by 2019, when Bibliophile-962 wrote up the Cupid Fact File concerning the Tavern. By then, all Tavern staff agreed that their staff had not changed since “April of ∉∝”, suggesting that was when the two of them joined. (PROSE: The Interdimensional Tavern)

Tpxszum took over taking and bringing Darius's orders from Frederick after Frederick's patience was ground down by Darius's endless complaints. (PROSE: Misadventures in the Interdimensional Black Market)

On Halloween 2019, both waiters were working together once again. The two, already worried about their dwindling supplies given the unusually high turnout of guests, were rather concerned when the whole Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids suddenly materialised in the Tavern thanks to the Emergency Transport Button, although the Cupids were quickly returned to the Cupid Homeworld by Lord Thymon and, as one of them had brought a tub of apples, precisely one of the foodstuffs they were fast running out of, it was, in the end, a positive. Just after the Cupids left, Tpxszum was the one to lightly inform Darius that he'd just missed yet another shot at revenge. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)

Alistair Neezley convinces Tpxszum and Frederick to join him on a real adventure. (PROSE: The Frost King's Treasure)

In December 2019, while putting the finishing touches to the Tavern's decorations, the waiters received an invitation to a quest for the Frost King's treasure in the land of Manik. Alistair Neezley, who had recently read about the treasure, convinced them to accept the invitation and take him along, lending his ship to the quest. After arriving in Manik, the trio met an old man who directed them to the mountains where the treasure was supposedly hidden, though he tried to persuade them to get more supplies before they attempted the climb.

Despite Neezley's predictably burdensome antics, they managed to make their way to a ledge near the mountain's peak, where they met up with the various other groups who had been sent identical invitations. As the group included the villainous Wellsians and Retconning Crocodiles, things soon devolved into a fight, but the waiters and 21-419 managed to sneak out of it and start making their way up the remaining staircase. Though they were distracted halfway through by the red herring dropped by the Crocodiles, 21-419 helped them see through the perception trick and they were eventually able to make it to the top of the mountain like the others.

There, however, they discovered that the invitations had been sent as a trap by Darius, who had been attempting to gather everyone he had a grudge against in one spot. The waiters made the list due to allegedly “serving him the wrong drink over and over and over”. The substantially unhinged Darius, however, had not accounted for his assembled foes bringing weapons and generally outnumbering him. They easily overpowered him, and were about to go home when Dandy-432 discovered by pure chance that the treasure really existed. Another fight was about to start when an uncharacteristically mushy Pessimist-242 delivered a moving speech which convinced the treasure-seekers to temporairly put aside their differences and share the treasure equally. Amidst the hoard, Frederick and Tpxszum found a trei-mich, which they'd been missing, and a number of other trinkets with which to complete the Tavern's decor; Neezley, for his part, found a fetchingly weathered-looking sword which he took in order to lend verisimilitude to future tall tales. (PROSE: The Frost King's Treasure)

When the Interdimensional Tavern was temporarily invaded by the denizens of the Interdimensional Black Market due to a prank by the Faction of the Fooling Fish in 2020, she drove the effort to figure out why as well as a way to send them all back where they came from, and also saved Frederick from being fed a cursed toadstool by the Toadstool Salesman. (PROSE: Multiversal Mischief)

In December 2021, she was decorating the Tavern's Christmas tree when CS-NA arrived, bringing back Alistair Neezley, who'd fled off to the Interdimensional Soda Jerkery in a funk over the idea that the Tavern staff did not actually like him. Tpxszum, who had even helped prepare a Christmas present for him, immediately disabused him of these notions, officially inviting him to the Tavern's imminent Christmas party. Shortly afterwards, Tpxszum witnessed Juliet-178, Pythagoras-858 and Tero Trollgarsson teleporting into the Tavern, greeting Juliet as an old friend and acknowledging Pythe as a friend of the Tavern's insofar as he was a companion of Jenny Everywhere. After another patron, Odin, invited them to share a drink, but demanded that Juliet pay due to an offence she'd caused him, Juliet got Tpxszum to agree to pay on her behalf in exchange for a favour to be named later. She served all of them their drinks, and, after they asked if the Tavern had a hearth, introduced them to Logi; she promised to give Logi some scented redwood, again on Juliet's behalf. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)