Cupid Fact File

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
Title screen of one of the video Fact Files. (VIDEO: The Wellsians)

The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids maintained a collection of numbered Cupid Fact Files in the Cupid Archives.


Cupid Fact Files were written by the Department of Documentation. (PROSE: The Strangely-Colored Secret Societies) Although most were text files, others were short videos with overdubbed narration. (VIDEO: The Wellsians)


The “#001” spot was long kept vacant, but eventually filled by a File on the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids itself. (PROSE: The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids)

#57 was a video file about the Wellsians, recounting their failed invasion of Earth and flight to Venus. (VIDEO: The Wellsians, PROSE: The Wellsians)

#94 concerned the Euclidean Plane was the first File to be digitised when the Crew decided to start making digital backups of the Archives' contents. (PROSE: The Euclidean Plane)

#124 concerned the Interdimensional Tavern. It was written up by Bibliophile-962 a week after he and the rest of the Department of Documentation took a trip to the Tavern on their lunch break, by which point the Tavern was already well-known to the Cupids. (PROSE: The Interdimensional Tavern)

#177 concerned the Gang of the Green Gorilla, and was mostly given over to a summary of the Skirmish at the Vanityville Supermarket, the Crew's first encounter with the Gorillas. Due to some Cupids having taken the wrong idea from a statement at the end of it, it was later amended with a post-scriptum written on behalf of Amour-159. (PROSE: The Green Gorillas)

#180 concerned the Society of the Rhyming Dove. (PROSE: The Society of the Rhyming Dove)

#184 concerned the Mob of the Maroon Magpie, also summarising the Crew's first meeting with the Mob at some length. (PROSE: The Mob of the Maroon Magpie)

#192 described the Mélange of the Mauve Muskrat and the Great Arrow Crisis which surrounded the Mélange and the Crew's first encounter. (PROSE: The Mélange of the Mauve Muskrat)

#315 concerned the Szaclowk and the Halfworld. The File was split into two parts, of which only the first was actually legible due to the Halving. (PROSE: The Szaclowk & the Halfworld)

#444 was written in 2019 by Bibliophile-962, and concerned the then-recently-discovered Faction of the Fooling Fish. Midway through the process of being written, the File was vandalised by a member of the Faction, whose additions in indelible green ink largely consisted of self-aggrandising patter, but also revealed a few details of the Fish's history which the Cupids had not previously known. The File was originally written to claim its events had occurred in 2011, rather than 2019, an error which was later corrected; the Cupids were unable to determine whether the File had simply contained a typo, if this was some sort of obtuse joke inserted by the Fish, or if it was an effect of Crocodile retconning. (PROSE: The Faction of the Fooling Fish)

#598 predated the Incident Report on the late-2019 Skirmish at the Cupid Theatre and described the 14th Cosmos and its “anomalous properties”. Its contents were apparently sufficiently well-known for a reference to the 14th Cosmos to be introduced to the script of The Moonbeams in the hope that Cupid viewers would make the connection to the 14th Cosmos's anomalous properties and thus shrug off the accidental plot holes introduced by the cartoon's juxtaposition with The Death? Planned It!. (PROSE: Plagiarism of the SavageMen)

#624 described the shared history of the Salamandyrs and the Order of the Automata. Its ending referred back to Incident Report #C304B, which documented Marksmanship-522's 2019 discovery of both groups. (PROSE: The Salamandyrs and the Automata)

#643 documented the Drove of the Demesmaekerite-Dyed Discordias, with most of it being given over to an account of the Crew's first encounter with them, “a few years” prior to the writing of the Fact File's final form — even though the Cupids involved had immediately reported to the Department of Documentation after their misadventure. The Fact File was illustrated with an “artist's rendition” of D123-Blackheart. (PROSE: The Drove of the Demesmaekerite-Dyed Discordias)

#828 concerned the Strangely-Colored Secret Societies phenomenon. It contained an index of the Crew's Files on specific Societies, as well as the history of it and the First Horde that they had managed to piece together. (PROSE: The Strangely-Colored Secret Societies)

#1023 described the Trio of the Talking Turkeys. (PROSE: The Trio of the Talking Turkeys)

#1225 described Father Christmas and the multiversal contagion the living idea of him represented. (PROSE: Father Christmas)

#2265 concerned 150 Chaotic Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids Chortlers, a collection of very bad jokes involving the Cupids. (PROSE: 150 Chaotic Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids Chortlers)


Eventually, the Crew grew tired of having to sneak past the Mechanical Sphinx to access their own files, and a program to digitize them was begun (PROSE: The Strangely-Colored Secret Societies) by Technician-042. (PROSE: The Strangely-Colored Secret Societies)