
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The Szaclowk (“First-Halves” in Szaclowkese) were the native sapient species of the Halfworld.


They had two knees per leg; their legs were an orange colour, and their bodies dark purple. Most strikingly, like everything else in their world, they were subject to the Halving, meaning only the lower halves of their bodies existed; nevertheless they had an independent, sapient existence, with a language “spoken” via clicking of one's kneecaps. The Szaclowk's mythology claimed that their ancestors had voluntarily cast off their other halves. (PROSE: The Szaclowk & the Halfworld)


At some point, the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids discovered the Szaclowk and their world, making them the subject of their 335th Cupid Fact File. (PROSE: The Szaclowk & the Halfworld)

An article on Page 1 of Issue 1020 of The Cupid Courier reported that the Cupid Intelligence Institute's “head Szaclowk researcher”, Investigation-464, had made some kind of breakthrough regarding the Szaclowk, but it foolishly directed the readers to Page 2 for the substance of this information, and, naturally enough, Page 2 was nowhere to be found. A picture of a Szaclowk was included. (PROSE: New Warehouse To Be Constructed In The Homeworld)

The beginning of a piece of news about “the Szaclowk's secret” was also included in the Other News section of Issue 1056 of The Cupid Courier, but it cut off mid-sentence. (PROSE: The Cupid Parliament Destroyed?)

A Szaclowkian half-tree was one of the decorations at the Interdimensional Tavern's mash-up Christmas party in 2019. (PROSE: The Frost King's Treasure) Indeed, when a Cupid visited the Halfworld around the same time, they were surprised to discover the Szaclowk had their own version of the holiday, complete with half-tree and half-wreath. (COMIC: Szaclowk Christmas)