Tero Trollgarsson

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Tero Trollgarsson, often referred to as simply “the Troll”, was a Scandinavian Troll who lived in the Forest in the Prime Universe.


Physical appearance

Tero Trollgarsson was a bulky Troll with a round body, greenish fur, grayish skin, and red pupils. His face was squarish and sported a mustache and beard. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)


Although articulate and even intelligent, Trollgarsson was stubborn and fairly close-minded, hating to be dragged into events outside of his normal frame of life as a forest-dwelling Troll. He mostly ate sheep but claimed to have no qualms about eating people if they got on his nerves. He took great pride in being a Troll, and viewed other supernatural beings, from Fae to deities, with annoyance and suspicion. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)

Powers & abilities

As a Troll, Trollgarsson had the ability to digest almost anything. He enjoyed drinking muddy water, and could drink gallons of snake venom with no greater adverse consequences than a mild hangover. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)


Tero Trollgarsson was the son of Trollgar Trollgarsson.

At some point, he made his home in a burrow hidden behind a small waterfall in a clearing in the Forest. He was disturbed by Juliet-178 during her and Pythagoras-858's quest to slay the Wyrm of Loki, as Juliet mistakenly believed the cavern behind the waterfall was an entrance to the World Below where they would find the Wyrm. In her confusion, Juliet activated her Dematerialisation Engine while touching both Trollgarsson and Pythagoras, teleporting the three of them to the Interdimensional Tavern. There, the two were met with Odin himself, who advised the Cupids to keep the Troll by their side throughout the rest of the adventures.

Figuring out that a part of the prophecy was telling them that a hearth would somehow show them the way forward, the three discovered that a version of the Norse fire-god Logi in fact resided in the Tavern's hearth. In exchange for some scented firewood, which Tpxszum agreed to provide later, Logi created a portal to the World Below for them. There, after some trekking, they crossed paths a gigantic talking serpent. They hesitated, unsure whether he was the “serpent” they were to help recover or the “wyrm” they had to defeat. However, the Troll, overlooking their words of caution, decided to charge at the snake, holding that it would be the goddess's fault for not having been more precise in her request if she didn't like it, and that the sooner he technically fulfilled the terms of the quest, the sooner he could go home.

The fight was interrupted before it had properly begun by the appearance of CS-NA, the ship-building robot from the Cupid Homeworld, who had been off on a quest of his own across the Multiverse, trying to understand the spirit of Christmas. Realising that his appearance at such a timely moment could not be coincidental, the Cupids deduced, with the serpent's input, that they were being manipulated from afar by Loki, though Pythe was initially skeptical. After convincing the serpent not to harm Cesse (who he temporarily thought might be another candidate for the “Spider” of the prophecy, and thus best gotten out of the way despite the Cupids' theory), Pythe and Juliet realised that the Wyrm they must actually defeat could only be the venom-dripping serpent affixed above Loki's prison to prevent him from escaping. Realising that the fulfillment of the Cupids' mission might be to his father's benefit, Jormungandir agreed to lead them, Trollgarsson and Cesse to the chamber where Loki was imprisoned.

Jormungandir led the group through hazardous rooms with boiling geysers, and they crossed paths with the gigantic wolf Fenrir, Jormungandir's brother, who intended to keep Loki imprisoned. Figuring out that bringing the Cupids, Troll and robot into Loki's chamber is some kind of scheme to free Loki, he categorically refuses to let them or Jormungandir through. Pythagoras reluctantly allowed Juliet-178 to try and shoot a Cupid Arrow at Fenrir to pacify him, but CS-NA knocked it out of the air before it hit the wolf, reminding the Cupids that Odin's prophecy instructed them “not to hunt the Hound”. With no way past, Trollgarsson was quick to declare that the adventure was over and to try to go home; however, as he did so, he knocked a large boulder into the flow of a geyser; blown up into the air, it fell back, after some confusion, squarely onto Fenrir's head, knocking him out cold. They made their way to the innermost chamber, where they were greeted by Sigyn, Loki's wife. With them successfully incapacitating the Wyrm of Loki, Loki briefly escaped, but was recaptured by Loki almost instantly. The travellers then went to Sigyn to collect their prize — all the magical venom extruded by the Wyrm over centuries —, as, after all, they had fulfilled the terms of the quest even if it did not have the consequences Sigyn hoped for. However, she reneged on the deal and began using her magic to summon rival bidders for the snake-venom to the cavern. Before they could fully materialise, however, Trollgarsson, desperate not to let the adventure prolong itself, put an unlikely end to it by drinking all of the venom, rendering the auction moot.

CS-NA, the Cupids, and the Troll (in exchange for a promise of a cup of coffee) made their way back to the Cupid Homeworld. There, CS-NA set up a huge party in a cleared-out warehouse, inviting not only all the Cupid Homeworlders but also some of their interdimensional friends, such as Jenny Everywhere, who comes with a version of her sister Julie. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)