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Fenrir, or Fenrisúlfr, was a gigantic, talking wolf associated with the Norse pantheon, the offspring of Loki and brother of the World-Serpent Jormungandir.


Physical appearance

The version of Fenrir from the Prime Universe was a gigantic wolf, who shook the ground when he walked. He had the same glowing yellow eyes as his brother and his father, and was stocky relative to his size, however large. His fur was gray and uncombed. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)


The Prime Universe version of Fenrir was the more responsible member of his family; though he desired his own freedom and Loki's, he accepted that they needed to remain bound until Ragnarok, lest the contradiction to the prophecy lose the Norse Gods what little power they still had in the world. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)

Powers & abilities

Being a gigantic, divine wolf, Fenrir was incredibly strong and resilient, although he could still be knocked out by physical blows of sufficient magnitude, such as a large boulder falling on his head. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)


In the Prime Universe

A version of Fenrir existed in the Prime Universe. In mythological times, he was magically bound using the magical fetters Gleipnir, fated not to be released until Ragnarok. However, over the centuries, the magic of the chain weakened sufficiently for him to leave his imprisonment at will, although the magic would eventually pull him back every tilme. He began using this newfound freedom every winter to visit his father Loki in his own place of imprisonmentin the World Below. Jörmungandir did the same, but, on several occasions, tried various hare-brained schemes to free Loki ahead of schedule, for example by smuggling a crate of monstrous mice into the cavern; every time, Fenrir saw himself forced to prevent the plot from reaching completion.

In December 2021, on the way to Loki's chamber, he met his brother as well as Juliet-178, Pythagoras-858 and Tero Trollgarsson,. Realising a new scheme was afoot, Fenrir forbade any of the group from entering the cavern, even after the Cupids revealed that they were here on the orders of Sigyn, Loki's own wife and Fenrir's stepmother. Juliet almost used a Cupid Arrow on Fenrir to override his misgivings, but CS-NA stopped her, believing that one of the verses in the prophecy that Odin had shared with the Cupids at an earlier stage of their journey forbade them from harming Fenrir. Fenrir ended up getting knocked out by a boulder accidentlally launched into the air by Trollgarsson, allowing the others to proceed. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)

Concepts from Norse Mythology in Jenny Everywhere media
FenrirFreyFreyjaHelJormungandirLogiLokiNariOdinSigynSleipnirThorWyrm of Loki
Species & Classes of Beings
AesirElvesNornsTrollsValkyriesVanirWinged horses
GrímnismálRide of the Valkyries