Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids was a multiversally-active organisation made up of Clockwork Cherubs.


Its members were Clockwork Cherubs — a race of sentient, clockwork androids resembling the classic figure of “Cupid,” hence the name of the organisation. They travelled through the Multiverse by means of Fog Ship and had a pocket dimension called the Cupid Homeworld as their home base. Members of the Crew were identified by a personalised name followed by a serial number, such as "Pythagoras-858". (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere Meets The Crew Of The Copper-Colored Cupids) The Crew's purpose was to spread love, by force if need be; they had access to a chemical Love Potion which they used to “romanticize” uncooperative targets. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) They were governed by the Cupid Parliament. (PROSE: The Time of the Toymaker)

The Crew's Cupid Intelligence Institute included a number of Departments with specific purposes, each of which was led by a Prefect. These included:

There used to be a Department of Conspiracy Theories (PROSE: The Case Against Conspiracy) and a Department of Forestry, (PROSE: The Winter Quests) both of which were disbanded. (PROSE: The Case Against Conspiracy, The Winter Quests)



The Crew was created by an individual whom the Clockwork Cherubs reverentially called simply “the Creator” (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) in the early 1960s. (PROSE: The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids) Cupid Fact File #828 highlighted the curious fact that the Crew's name followed the same pattern as the many Strangely-Colored Secret Societies created by former members of the First Horde. (PROSE: The Strangely-Colored Secret Societies)

They were originally based in her garage in her home city in the Prime Universe, but after they grew too numerous, she created the Cupid Homeworld, a pocket dimension to serve as their home base moving forward. (PROSE: The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids)

Early history

Eventually, the Creator withdraw from public life in the Homeworld, moving to the Forbidden Manor. She left them schematics for dematerialisation circuits and conceptual engines, allowing them to develop the Fog Ships, as well as the formula for the Love Potion, which were soon lost by the Prefect of the Department of Chemistry, (PROSE: The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids) Mandragora-257, who later became a criminal and went on the run in the Multiverse, pursued by the detective Pythagoras-858. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere Meets The Crew Of The Copper-Colored Cupids) The Crew became directly affiliated with Aphrodite herself, who provided them with a substitute Potion with identical effects. (PROSE: The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids) As a result, to use an alternative Potion would have been blasphemy, prosecutable under “Section A113-B” of the Crew's Terms of Service by the Misuse Office in the Underworld. (VIDEO: The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids)

At some point, the Euclidean Plane was discovered by a group of Cupids who'd pressed the “random destination” button of their Fog Ship. After initial scouting was complete, the Plane soon became a favoured target for the Crew. (PROSE: The Euclidean Plane)

Later events

At some point, a group of Cupids attempted to film an infomercial about the Crew's operations, filming the live romanticisation of two Geometrons, named Mr Rectangle and Ms Bubble. The result was less glossy than expected due to the Cupids on duty overdosing the Love Potion, causing both Geometrons to devolve into cooing, non-verbal simpletons. (VIDEO: The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids) Nevertheless, they put out a bulletin claiming the mission had been a great success. (PROSE: Our Latest Success Story)

Growing weary of having to sneak past the Mechanical Sphinx to access their own Archives, the Cupids eventually launched a project to digitize their files, starting with the most often-used Cupid Fact Files. The first was #94, concerning the Euclidean Plane. Around the same time, the Crew was trying, unsuccessfully, to covertly romanticize the Chief of the Euclidean Flying Squad in the hope of getting him to stop the Flying Squad from opposing the Crew's operations in the Euclidean Plane. (PROSE: The Euclidean Plane)

After the Rifts Crisis

After the Rifts Crisis began spreading through the multiverse, one Rift prevented travel to and from the Cupid Homeworld. Pythe became stuck on the outside, and continued his chase of Mandragora before bumping into Jenny Everywhere in the Void. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere Meets The Crew Of The Copper-Colored Cupids)

Behind the scenes

The Crew are, obviously, the main focal point of the series of the same name.