Diskie Bubble

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Diskie Bubble, (PROSE: Magic Trick) or simply Ms Bubble, was a Spheroid Geometron from the Euclidean Plane.

She and her Tangular neighbour Mr Rectangle originally didn't like each other, with their perpetual feud bringing down both Geometrons' moods on a daily basis. This led to the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids targeting the two of them as typical “customers” of their non-consensual Romanticisation process as part of an attempt at an infomercial. However, they overdosed the Love Potion, leading to the two being reduced to literally doing nothing but hugging each other and cooing in euphoria, unable to give the glowing review the Cupids had been hoping for. (VIDEO: The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids) Nevertheless, they put out a bulletin claiming the mission had been a great success. (PROSE: Our Latest Success Story) Diskie's aunt Orbicularia Bubble was disturbed by the development. (PROSE: Magic Trick)