Emerald Valkyrie

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In Reality Z-25 31-H, Kimberly (PROSE: Kate Five Extended Bio) or Kimberley (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 4) Jones, sometimes nicknamed Kimmy and later known as Emerald Valkyrie, was the twin sister of Kate Five. The two were very close as children but drifted apart after high school.


Physical appearance

As her twin sister, Kimberly looked very similar to Kate Five. However, she kept her hair long and curly, and allowed it to retain its natural brown colour instead of dying it black as Kate took to doing in her teens. (PROSE: Kate Five Extended Bio) Her wardrobe was associated with the colour green, as made most obvious by her “Emerald Valkyrie” power armour. When she activated it, her eyes, normally blue, also glowed green. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 4)


Kimberley was a somewhat vain individual, rebelling against a perceived favouritism shown by her parents towards her sister, and a lifetime of jealously. She was cunning and manipulative, but with a tendency to underestimate her opponent. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 4)

Powers & abilities

Like her twin sister, Kimberly was “gifted” both physically and intellectually, and pursued a higher education than prior generations of the Jones family. (PROSE: Kate Five Extended Bio) She was born with a telepathic link to Kate, which allowed her to read Kate's thoughts, though not the other way around, even across an ocean, and to feel how close or far away she was. Her scientific research allowed her to construct a “power suit” which she could summon onto herself at will, and which boosted her strength, allowing her to go head to head with the biologically-enhanced Kate Five. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 4)


Early life

Kate and her sister as children. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote)

Kimberly and Kate were born in Cardiff at the Prince of Wales Hospital on April 1st, 1992. The twins were very close as children, providing each other with the emotional closeness they needed when their parents Dai Jones and Ruth Jones, who were cold and distant, though no worse, failed to give it to them. (PROSE: Kate Five Extended Bio) Kimberley felt that their parents favoured Kate, notably driving her to sports practice and the like while leaving her to struggle on her own with her science projects.

Their bond was strengthened by the fact that they had been born with a telepathic link, allowing Kimberley to read Kate's thoughts, though not the other way around. Throughout their childhood, this made it impossible for Kate to ever get the drop on Kimmy or otherwise conceal anything from her. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 4)

Drifting apart from Kate

At some point, Kimberley slept with Kate's boyfriend Danny, for which Kate bore her a grudge, although the incident did not in itself cause them to fall out completely. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 4) They eventually parted ways when Kim moved to Washington D.C. to study “Advanced Robotics and Cybernetics” while Kate stayed in Cardiff to study chemistry at Cardiff University. Much to Kate's displeasure, the two failed to really keep in touch over the long distance. (PROSE: Kate Five Extended Bio) Jealous of Kate's career as a superhero, Kimberley began working on an emerald-coloured power-suit that would grant her superstrength similar to the one induced in Kate as part of Project Five. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 4)

Abducting Kate

By 2014, Kate reflected that she had not thought of Kim in a long time until the six months that separated her possession by the Symbiote and her reemergence in Angel Falls. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 2) Kimberley, on the other hand, had felt Kate being possessed by the Symbiote, and observed her further misadventures. After Kate was arrested in Angel Falls and then declared legally dead she was being flown back to the U.K., Kimberley managed to get a hold of the “body”, who was not actually quite dead. She cared for the comatose Kate for weeks, not just out of sisterly loyalty but mostly to study the symbiote to improve her own power-suit. Eventually, Kate awoke to Kimberley taunting her with the claim that her every evil act under the Symbiote's influence had been a reflection of her own darker desires rather than an exogenous evil.

Kimberley activates her power suit to fight her sister. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 4)

The following night, unbeknownst to Kimberley, Kate managed to contact a fragment of the Symbiote's consciousness which had been left in her mind despite most of its being having been rendered inert and separated from her. Breaking out of the vat of healing fluid, Kate reabosrbed the Symbiote's inert mass, bonding with it at a deeper level than before in exchange for a promise of a more equal partnership between their minds. She ambushed Kimberley the following morning, revealing, to Kimberley's shock, that she had learned to spoof their mind-link to send Kimberley erroneous information about her strategies. Despite Kimberley unveiling her emerald-coloured power suit, the Symbiote-possessed Kate gained the upper hand and began forcing herself on Kimberley. However, too late for the attacker(s) to retreat, Kimberley revealed that she'd actually goaded her into it on purpose in order to draw symbiote genetic material from them. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 4)

Now impregnated with a new symbiote, Kimberley explained to Kate that she was working for an organisation called Ohmega, and that they were located in Ohmega's secret facility on Sark Island. As the new symbiote, which chose the name Balthus, began to be born, Kate went through Ghede to telepathically communicate with it, warning it that Ohmega planned to contain it as soon as it was born and use it as a battery. Born fighting, Balthus immediately killed one of the doctors, and morphing into her symbiote-covered form, Kate broke through the glass observation wall to help. The two symbiote humanoids made short of work of Ohmega's medical staff and their first line of security personnel, but Kimberley was wounded in the process.

Balthus merges with the wounded Kimberley. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 5)

When Battle Angel and Nexus Girl, who'd been led to Sark Island by Marcus via helicopter, arrived in the “maternity ward”, they were surprised to see not only the signs of carnage, but also a tearful, not-at-all-evil-looking Kate cradling Kimberley's body and begging for help. However, Balthus was reluctant to jump into the E-Valkyrie suit and make itself the very battery it had been fighting not to become, which Kate thought would be the only way to save her. Battle Angel and Nexus Girl, for their part, did not know what to make of the unexpectedly non-hostile Kate and symbiote. While they parlayed, Balthus made his own choice and bonded with Kimberley directly, stabbing Battle Angel and fleeing.

The wounded Battle Angel ordered Nexus Girl to leave her and pursue Kate, who, running through the base, turned a corner to find herself faced with a firing squad headed by Red Giant. She got hit by a few shots, but was pulled to safety by Nexus Girl and the blue symbiote, who half-separated from his host to have a conversation with his “father”, revealing that he had chosen a name, Eros. Ghede helped Kate begin to recover from the wounds, though she would ideally have needed more time to heal, as she went to face Red Giant, refusing to answer when Nexus Girl asked if she'd come quietly with her and Battle Angel once the immediate crisis was over. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 5) Red Giant, revealing himself to be a “roided-up vampire”, nearly got the better of her, but she was saved at the last moment by Battle Angel, who, before giving her medical attention, impulsively kissed her and declared her her girlfriend, revealing that she'd long harboured feeling for Kate. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6)

Switching loyalties

An invisible Nexus Girl finds the captive Kimberley. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6)

Meanwhile, Ohmega forces had subdued the symbiote-bonded Kimberley and, deeming Balthus a more valuable resource than the fickle human scientist, prepared to forcibly extract the symbiote from her in a manner which would have killed her. Nexus Girl intervened, calling on the power of the Nexus Stone to return her armour to her. Accepting that Ohmega had betrayed her, Kimberley agreed to team up with Section P as they made their escape, and reunited tearfully with Kate.

Nexi insisted on calling upon her powers once again, but their teleportation was redirected to Hell by a demoness called Duchess Valmorri, who revealed that the power of Nexi's Nexus Stone had been a reflection of the true Stone which she controlled from Hell, and also that she held the soul of Aqua Marine. Without deigning to explain herself further, she offered an ambiguous deal to Nexi to make her give herself up to Valmorri, which Nexi accepted despite the others' protests. Valmorri then teleported them to “somewhere safe” — the Fortress of Evening, where they gave quite the surprise to Captain Evening, Professor Madison and Rodney Rabbit. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6)