Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6 (comic story)

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Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6 was a the sixth chapter of the original Kate Five vs Symbiote arc of the webcomic Kate Five, written and drawn by James Bridger, alias Cyberkitten01. Like many other installments, it was highly NSFW. It was the second to feature a crossover with The Cosmic Beholder, albeit only as an ending hook rather than a core part of the plot.



British Prime Minister David Cameron receives a phone call from Robert Pelham, the chairman of Ohmega, reminding him that they backed his campaign in exchange for a promise of non-interference in their affairs, and demanding that he contact Sir James Carey to make him call off the Section P currently assaulting the Ohmega base on Sark Island.

Instead, the battle there is in full swing, with Kate Five's symbiote expelling the very bullets that were shot at her back at her opponents at superhuman speed, taking out the five members of Red Giant's squad. The armoured warrior manags two good hits on Kate, but she spits a thorn of symbiote-slime through the slit of his helmet, puncturing one of his eyes. However, he takes this in stride, taking of the helmet to reveal himself to be a vampire.

Meanwhile, Nexus Girl and her symbiotic partner Eros look for Emerald Valkyrie, with Eros able to sense his brother who's bonded with her. Upon finding her, Nexi uses her powers to turn herself invisible when she realises that Ohmega have turned against Emerald Valkyrie and are holding her prisoner, seriously considering the possibility of extracting the green symbiote from her in a manner which would kill her.

Kate is about to be killed by the vampire, who overpowered both her and Ghede, when she is saved at the last minute by Battle Angel, who shoots him multiple times, taking out his remaining eye. Kate takes this opportunity to rip out the creature's heart, and Battle Angel finishes the job by beheading him before unexpected declaring Kate her girlfriend and kissing her.

Nexi, for her part, scrambles to find a way to stop Ohmega from starting the extraction process. She calls upon the power of the Nexus Stone, which allows her to draw from other worlds where things are different. In Hell, the activation of the Stone is detected by a mysterious demoness, but it does not prevent Nexi from using its power to return her E-Valkyrie suit to the captured scientist, allowing her to break out of her bonds. After blasting away her captors with a wave of green energy which hurls them across the room, she confirms that Nexi is the one to thank for her escape, with Nexi explaining that Kate sent her. Acknowledging that, with Ohmega having turned on her, her loyalties have switched, she makes to find Kate so they can all escape together.

After Kate runites with Valkyrie and Nexi with Battle Angel, Nexus Girl and Eros explain that they call even more heavily upon the “Nexus Power” of the Stone to teleport out of the facility. She insists on doing so despite the risk, but realises mid-teleport that something is wrong as the demoness takes control of the stone and redirects the four to Hell. She introduces herself as Duchess Valmorri, and is standing in front of a huge, floating crystal which Nexi recognises as the true Nexus Stone from which the small gem embedded in her tiara is but a pale reflection.

Before they can react further, Valmorri forcibly takes the smaller Nexus Stone from her and separates her from Eros, explaining that she intends to take possession of Nexi's soul of her own free will. To incentivise her to do so, she reveals that she also holds Aqua Marine prisoner. Despite the others urging her otherwise, Nexi agrees to whatever implicit bargain Valmorri is offering, and Valmorri unceremoniously teleports her friends “somewhere safe”: the living room of the Fortress of Evening in New York City, where they interrupt Captain Evening halfway through a funny story. While the Captain rushes to comfort the obviously distraught group, Professor Madison phones Centennia to appraise her of the situation.





Behind the scenes

Read online

Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6 is available online on DeviantArt.