Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 5 (comic story)

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Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 5 was a the fifth chapter of the original Kate Five vs Symbiote arc of the webcomic Kate Five, written and drawn by James Bridger, alias Cyberkitten01. Like many other installments, it was highly NSFW.



As the Symbiote continues impregnating her, Emerald Valkyrie explains to Kate Five that she works for an organisation called Ohmega, who speciase in the study of bio-energy. Meanwhile, over the English Channel, Marcus flies Battle Angel and Nexus Girl (still bonded to the blue symbiote) to Sark Island.

At the Ohmega facility, Emerald Valkyrie's alien “pregnancy” has progressed incredibly quickly, with the scientists keeping watch speculating that this is because she is a willing host instead of fighting the process. As she prepares to give “birth”, Kate is allowed to observe through a glass wall. Things go wrong, however, with the newly-born symbiote immediately inflicting a deadly wound on one of the doctors. Kate jumps in, summoning her own symbiote to the fore, but soon reveals that she is not trying to protect the Ohmega staff from the new entity, who names itself Balthus; in fact, communicating telepathically, she was the one to spur it to attack by warning it that the Ohmega personnel intended to contain it as soon as it was born and use it as an energy source.

A bloody battle breaks out, with the two symbiotes making short work of the Ohmega staff and security. However, in the process, Kimberle is wounded. Kate realises that although her E-Valkyrie suit has “self-repairing nanites”, it is also a bio-engine which cannot keep her alive unless she has enough bio-energy to power it. Seeing no other way, she begs Balthus into entering the armour and powering it after all, of his own free will. It is at this point that Battle Angel and Nexus Girl arrive, shocked as much by the sight of a tearful, pleading Kate as by the carnage in which they stand. In the confusion, Balthus bonds with Kimberley directly and starts rampaging, stabbing Battle Angel.

She orders Nexus to leave her and pursue Kate, who is running through the base and turns a corner to find herself faced with a firing squad headed by Red Giant. She is hit by a few shots, but is pulled to safety by Nexus Girl and the blue symbiote, who half-separates from his host to have a conversation with his “father”, revealing that he has chosen a name, Eros. Ghede helps her begin to recover from the wounds, though she would ideally need more time to heal, as she goes to face Red Giant, refusing to answer when Nexus Girl asks if she'll come quietly with her and Battle Angel once the immediate crisis is over.





Behind the scenes

Read online

Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 5 is available online on DeviantArt.