Red Giant

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In Reality Z-25 31-H, “Red Giant”, derisively referred to as the Red Fairy by Kate Five on one occasion, was an arrogant operative of Ohmega, drawing his name from having been granted the use of one of the organisation's experimental bio-energy-based power armours, with his being a striking silver-and-scarlet colour scheme.

Red Giant in full armour. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 5)

After the symbiote-bonded Kate Five and the newborn symbiote Balthus tore their way through the regular security forces watching over the process of Balthus's birth, a squad led by Red Giant intervened. Though wounded, Kate insisted on facing Red Giant herself, telling Nexus Girl, who'd only just arrived on the scene alongside Battle Angel, to keep back. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 5)

Though she easily took out his human underlings, he got a few punches on her, but she managed to spit a thorn of symbiote-biomass into his eye through the slit in his mask, piercing it. This forced him to take off his helmet, and reveal himself to be a blond-haired vampire. Kate was about to be killed by the vampire, who overpowered both her and Ghede, when she was saved at the last minute by Battle Angel, who shot him multiple times from a distance, taking out his remaining eye. Kate then took this opportunity to rip out the creature's heart, and Battle Angel finished the job by beheading him before unexpected declaring Kate her girlfriend and kissing her. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6)