Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 2 (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
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Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 2 was a twenty-two-pages-long comic story, the second chapter of the original Kate Five vs Symbiote arc of the webcomic Kate Five, written and drawn by James Bridger, alias Cyberkitten01. Like the rest of the series, it was heavily NSFW. It was notable for incorporating the preexisting fictional city of Angel Falls and the characters of Ms. Blitzen and PhyreFrost, with the permission of their creators.



It's been six months since Kate Five was possessed by the Symbiote. She's been thinking back to long-buried memories of her past, including her twin sister, although her Symbiotic puppeteer keeps trying to suppress them to mould her again into the host he wants. The two eventually make their way to America. Kate arrives in the city of Angel Falls, sensing that something drew the Symbiote to this city but not knowing what it is. On her first day in the city, she uses her powers for “good”, interrupting and killing a man assaulting a woman in an alley.

The next day, Section P arrive in Angel Falls, complete with Sir James Carey. Their plane is greeted by Angel Falls' own, Atlantean-born superhero protector, Ms. Blitzen, of the Guardians. She pledges to help them locate and incapacitate the possessed Kate.

The following night, Kate finds herself drawn to the Bleeding Rose, a night club in the Old Harbor District, as a hunting ground for a new victim. Before she can try to kill anyone, however, she is pulled aside by Marcus, the owner, and a vampire. He informs her that he keeps a strict no-killing policy in the club and doesn't want “her parasite” causing trouble. He is surprised and disturbed when Kate's reply is voiced in terms of “we”, not having realised that there existed a mind-meld between her and the Symbiote. He cryptically informs her that the Symbiote is slowly killing her before drawing a glowing, red, magical seal in the air, intended to banish Kate out of the club. Revealing her symbiotic powers in full, Kate is able to block the beam of magical energy. However, Marcus, moving impossibly fast, dodges her retaliatory blow and makes her vanish with a touch and a “Begone”, teleporting her to the boardwalk. Marcus then phones City Hall, telling them to inform the Guardians of Kate's location.

PhyreFrost transmits the information to a patrolling Ms. Blitzen, who tackles Kate from the air. A fight begins; during the initial, bare-handed wrestling phase, Kate has the upper hand, but is caught by surprise when Blitzen uses her magnetic powers to electrify a metal pipe and hit her with it. This weakens Kate, who begins to fight more desperately, drawing on all of her bio-energy and progressively exhausting her super-strength, until finally, Blitzen concentrates and creates a huge pulse of electricity that burns the better part of the Symbiote off of her body. Briefly in her own mind again, Kate tries to appeal to Blitzen to explain that her actions weren't her own and she's good again, but Blitzen refuses to believe her and shocks Kate again, weakening her already-staggered will and allowing the remnant of the Symbiote to regain control over her. Dodging another blast of electricity, the possessed Kate manages to fatally stab Blitzen through the stomach, and mockingly kisses her as she dies.





Behind the scenes

Read online

Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 2 is available online on DeviantArt.