Angel Falls

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Angel Falls was an American coastal city in Reality Z-25 31-H. It was protected by a superhero team known as the Guardians, and was also home to the lawful vampire nightclub known as the Bleeding Rose. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 2) It was nicknamed “the City of Heroes”. (COMIC: The Search For Kate Five)


One day, an “alien orphan” was found there. The Guardians took custody of her and, seeking advice from other people used to unusual phenomena, eventually agreed to let Sir James Carey take her back to Cardiff and act as her guardian as she grew up to become Nexus Girl. (PROSE: Kate Five Extended Bio)

Six months after she first became possessed by the Symbiote, Kate Five felt herself drawn to Angel Falls. This would prove an unfelicitous hunch as she was drawn into battle by Guardian Ms. Blitzen, who managed to separate part of the Symbiote from her, although she prevailed against her in the end. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 2) After Kate was routed by PhyreFrost, Ms. Blitzen was brought to the “renowned” Angel Falls medical centre, where she was also visited by Section P as well as her fellow Guardian, Hailey Storm. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 3)

Together with Blitzen's elemental Prince Ozarion, her Atlantean lover Matthias Geist, and his brother-in-law Rhomerho Kel Llurian, Hailey set out the following night to track down the “alien parasite”. (PROSE: Angel Falls: Vengeance Sought) They found her hiding out in a deserted industrial area near the coastline, having killed multiple people in an effort to quickly replenish her strength. They made short work of defeating her, and managed to separate the symbiote from her, delivering both into the custody of British authorities. (PROSE: Angel Falls: Vengeance)

Shortly after Kate's rampage in Angel Falls, she was smuggled out of containment by an unknown party (secretly her twin sister Kimmy). After a few weeks of no news surfacing (as Kate was being held captive and studied by her sister), Nexus Girl and Battle Angel returned to Angel Falls, visiting the Bleeding Rose in the hope of picking up her trail after she'd disappeared once again. Impressed with Battle Angel's insistence that her friend was still good deep down and merely driven to evil acts by the Symbiote's influence, Marcus agreed to help the heroines. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 4) Shortly after returning from having flown them to Sark Island, he ran into two more visitors who were looking for Kate: Centennia and Captain Perfect, and likewise helped them get to the Ohmega base. (COMIC: The Search For Kate Five)

Behind the scenes

Though not open-source, Angel Falls was a shared setting participated in by many DeviantArt artists as part of the Angel-FallsDA group.