Kate Five Extended Bio (short story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Kate Five Extended Bio was a prose bio of Kate Five written by James Bridger as part of the eponymous series. It primarily served to expand Kate's backstory and characterisation beyond what the confines of an action-oriented comic may allow.



Various aspects of Kate Five's personality and personal history are described as a series of questions and answers.




  • Kate's parents Dai and Ruth Jones picked their daughter's name together, in allusion to Kate's paternal grandmother Katherine Evans. Ruth's maiden name was “Thomas”. The Jones family descends from “a long line of working-class South Wales coal miners”, with Kate and Kim the first generation to pursue a higher education.
  • Kate was born on April 1st, 1992 at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Cardiff (“since demolished”). With Kate being 22-year-old in the present day, this matches with the events of the series taking place in 2014, contemporary with its release.
  • Kate, Taki and Nexus Girl have formed a “Sunday Night Roleplay Club” at Section P.
  • Kate's “government contract” with the British Ministry of Defence's Section P comes with “a good salary and a government pension”.
  • Kate uses Facebook.
  • Kate's strongest subjects at school were Chemistry, Mathematics and English Literature. She joined MENSA at the age of 12, and later “received a 2-1 at Cardiff University BSc Chemistry”, having attended from 18 to 21 and greatly enjoyed it.
  • While Kate went to Cardiff University, her twin sister Kimberly moved to Washington D.C. to study “Advanced Robotics and Cybernetics”.
  • Sir Carey has a soft spot for Kate but refuses to admit it.
  • Prior to merging with Ghede, Kate refused to admit to herself that she was anything but straight, despite having had sex with her female best friend on one occasion in university, and long-standing attraction to other female friends including her Section P teammates Nexus Girl and Battle Angel.
  • Kate, Taki and Nexi enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons together, among other things.
  • Nexus Girl was found as an “alien orphan” in Angel Falls. Sir Carey came to an agreement with the Guardians that he and Section P would be the best caretakers of her, an arrangement “shrouded in secrecy”.
  • On one occasion, Kate crossed paths with Taki's nemesis Sin.Drella and defeated her, leading to Sin.Drella beginning to carry a grudge against Kate too.


Behind the scenes

Read online

Kate Five Extended Bio was released on DeviantArt, where it is still available.