
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In Reality Z-25 31-H, Duchess Valmorri, or simply Valmorri, was a powerful demoness who ruled her own realm in Hell where she controlled the true Nexus Stone of which the one in Nexus Girl's tiara was but a feeble reflection.


Physical appearance

Valmorri appeared as an attractive woman with red eyes, chalk-white skin, and straight, shoulder-length, blood-red hair. She wore a red cape with metallic shoulder pads, an iron tiara with spikes resembling four arrow-heads pointing upwards, and bra-cups patterned as stylised skulls. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6)


Valmorri was malevolent and pettily cruel, mocking anyone she deemed beneath her. She claimed to be motivated simply by the desire to accumulate souls, though she suggested she had a more complex agenda beyond that. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6)

Powers & abilities

Valmorri was a supernaturally powerful being. In addition to controlling the true Nexus Stone, which allowed her to spy on Nexus Girl whenever she used her smaller fragment of it and also to teleport people at will, she could manifest red tentacles with which to manhandle people without having to get her actual hands dirty. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6)


“Welcome, ladies… to Hell!” (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6)

For years, Valmorri seemingly watched over Nexus Girl whenever she used her Nexus Stone. Eventually, while Nexi was calling on the Nexus Power to teleport herself, Kate Five, Emerald Valkyrie, Battle Angel, and the symbiotes Ghede Nibo, Eros and Balthus out of Sark Island, she revealed herself, highjacking their teleportation and bringing them to Hell instead. Easily incapacitating them, she separated Nexi from her Stone and from Eros. She explained that she wished to take possession of Nexus Girl's soul, and showed her that she held the soul of Aqua Marine. Accepting the implicit bargain despite the other heroes' pleas, Nexi gave herself up to Valmorri, who teleported the rest back to the mortal world, “somewhere safe” — namely, to the Fortress of Evening. (COMIC: Kate Five vs Symbiote - Chapter 6)