

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Toasters were machines for making toast. Due to her well-documented predilection for toast, Jenny Everywhere often owned, or pursued ownership of, toasters in the course of their adventures.


Jenny Everywhere's toasters

The version of Jenny Everywhere who dated David had a toaster in her apartment. (COMIC: My Bloody Valentine)

One incarnation of Jenny Everywhere passed through New York and made her friend get a better toaster. (COMIC: When Casting Calls)

When she visited Ciguri-7, the Jenny Everywhere who had previously been active in Reality Z-25 31-H carried a toaster under her arm as she chased the ambulatory slices of bread who existed on that planet, having yet to realise that they were sentient aliens rather than a miraculous source of snacks. (COMIC: Whatever Happened to Jenny Everywhere?!)

The Jenny who was roommates with Kim in one universe had a robot toaster, created by a local mad scientist. (PROSE: Paying it Forward, etc) When she went through the contents of her closet with Kim, the two also unearthed what appeared to be “a typical Toastmaster Model 1B14 much like the one already in the kitchen”, but it bore a rather suspicious label outright declaring it a Perfectly Normal Toaster, so they elected to leave it in the closet rather than try it out, just in case. (PROSE: Cleaning Day)

One Jenny who was pursued romantically by her corresponding Jenny Nowhere once saw her toaster “kidnapped” by Nowhere, who threatened to destroy the toaster by dropping it from a great height unless Everywhere complied with Nowhere's demands. When Jenny called her bluff, Nowhere went through with it, to Jenny's horror. (COMIC: Death of Jenny Everywhere's Toaster)

In one universe, a version of Jenny Everywhere had a toaster by a computer in her room in 31 Spooner Street shortly before Halloween. (COMIC: Halloween Preparations)

Other toasters

In the 925th Universe, Jenny Over-There had an office toaster at the M.F.S. office, although it worked very sluggishly. After its thermal reactor was confiscated by Doctor Omega, rendering it useless, Jenny ordered another toaster on Kablamazon. It was delivered by none other than Jenny Everywhere, who was undercover at Kablamazon at the time. (PROSE: The Tribulations of Jenny Over-There) She would later mentally mark the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the toaster's delivery, having been set to thinking of the fact that she'd been working for the M.F.S. for over a year herself earlier that morning. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: The Birthday Toaster) In that same universe, by Christmas 2022, one of the notable Dibbsy collectibles available at the Dibbsy Store was the Dibbsy Toaster, a toaster which “burned your toast in the shape of Mammon Mouse's silhouette”. Dynamite Thor stole it from the burning store to give it to Glenda. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas)

At some point prior to Halloween 2019, Frankenstein-818, the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids' resident Mad Scientist, constructed a “Lightning-Powered Turbo-Toaster”. Like many of his inventions, it proved wildly dangerous, causing the toast to transform into “mutant toast monstrosities”. Despite this incident, Frankenstein's assistant Igor-1612 later asserted that the invention had been a perfect success. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)

Lord Thymon also had a toaster in his house in the Cupid Homeworld by the time Jenny Everywhere stayed over on the night following her seventh date with Thymon. It apparently had no timer, requiring the bread to be taken out manually lest it burn up completely. It disappeared when Sophie Everytime appeared in its place. A few minutes later, Sophie demonstrated the powers of her eldritch voice by speaking the word “toaster” and making a highly abominable approximation of one appear, but it soon began to melt into “non-specific goop”. (PROSE: Family Business)

In one sci-fi universe, Laura Drake, disappointed with the campus toasters at the Neptunian Orbital University, which kept burning one side of the slices, invented a turbo-toasting ray. This impressed Jenny Everywhere, who had yet to meet Laura properly. Jenny related to Laura how she'd previously had to import her “antique” two-slice toaster from home. (PROSE: Extradimensional Experiments)