Jenny Everywhere (925th Universe)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The 925th Universe's incarnation of Jenny Everywhere was an acquaintance of the local Jenny Over-There. She once spent some time undercover at Kablamazon, an evil corporation she was trying to bring down.


Physical appearance

This incarnation of Jenny had the typical red scarf, orange-tinted goggles, and “a face of genuine happiness”. Her skin was tan, and her short hair was dyed pink; she additionally wore a purple flower earring. When Jenny Over-There first met her, she was dressed in a Kablamazon uniform. (PROSE: The Tribulations of Jenny Over-There)


Like other Jennies, this Jenny was heroic and benevolent, cheerfully working undercover at Kablamazon with a goal of bringing it down. (PROSE: The Tribulations of Jenny Over-There) She was mercurial and had a tendency to get side-tracked from what she was trying to. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: First-Class Delivery)

Powers & abilities

This Jenny had the typical shifting powers. (PROSE: The Tribulations of Jenny Over-There)


Joining Kablamazon

Jenny once got a job undercover at an “evil” company called Kablamazon as part of a plan to make them go bankrupt. In the course of this job, she delivered a package, which happened to be a new toaster, to Jenny Over-There at the M.F.S. office in the 925th Universe. The two exchanged a few words, as Jenny O. had recognised her namesake, before she accepted the toaster and Everywhere went on her way. (PROSE: The Tribulations of Jenny Over-There)

Though she initially meant to quickly get rid of the CEO, she got side-tracked for a number of months by such adventures as “the time she stole the Holy Dog Bowl from the Werewolf Priests of Mars, or that time she saved Doctor Omega from the Space Romans, or even that time she tried to have a conversation with Grant Farrel”, the latter being a so-called superhero apparently possessed by the vengeful spirit of the god Thor. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: First-Class Delivery)

Subsequent adventures

On Christmas Eve of that year, Dynamite Thor thought he spotted Jenny Everywhere in the chaos at the Dibbsy Store, alongside many other notable individuals including Bart Hill, the Beastmaster (riding a wild bear), Jenny Nowhere, Jenny Somewhere, Laura Drake and Alias the Dragon. (PROSE: A Very Jenny Over-There Christmas)

By Valentine's Day 2023, Thor's girlfriend Glenda Sif knew that both Jenny Everywhere and Jenny Nowhere knew her boyfriend “inside and out”, and briefly wondered if he was talking to either of them when he overheard him talking on the phone with a “Jenny” who was actually Jenny Over-There. (PROSE: Lovie Dovie Stuff)

When a version of Bunny Everyhare materialised in the 925th Universe, her appearance mimicked the closest Jenny Everywhere, this one. She was appalled to find she was consequently wearing a Kablamazon uniform. (PROSE: Who Laws the Lawyers?)

Towards the end of this venture, an incarnation of Jenny Nowhere learned of this Jenny's presence at Kablamazon and tried to trick Dynamite Thor into doing her in on Nowhere's behalf by giving Thor a misleading tip that the woman wearing a scarf and goggles, and currently working at Kablamazon, was an assassin in league with Lord Grallyx. Despite finding the picture Nowhere showed him vaguely familiar, Thor accepted this readily and seemed intent on carrying out the mission, though it seemed likely that he would get side-tracked before achieving anything of significance, (PROSE: Set Up to Blow Up) as seems indeed to have occurred. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: First-Class Delivery)

Moving against Kablamazon

Eventually, Jenny finally put her plans into action when Kablamazon implemented a new policy as a response to complaints of low morale in their many factories across the UK: the installation of ominous black monoliths called Therapy Prisms, in which employees could come at their leisure to take a break from the alienation of their daily work to instead suffer the alienation of sitting in a confined, pitch-black space with a blinking red sign asking ‘ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?’. Jenny used her factory's Prism as a hiding place to “get around the guards brutally forcing the workers out of the warehouse once their shift changed” — and this factory happened the very one in which the CEO's office was located. Thus, after hours, Jenny finally made her way there, armed with a ray-gun which was not actually loaded, intent on using it for intimidation.

The CEO, who was none other than a version of Lord Grallyx, was unfazed by the surprise attack and began to gloat about knowing that Jenny wouldn't dare the trigger regardless, but Jenny anti-climactically took him out by surprise after all — by bonking him on the head with the grip of the ray-gun. Recalling that there was a bounty on Grallyx among Doctor Omega's people, she decided to take him there, wrapping him in a very large cardboard box for transfer as the liberated workers burst out into triumphant song around her. (PROSE: Annals of the Jen: One Year of Jenny Over-There: First-Class Delivery)

Incarnations of Jenny Everywhere
Recurring protagonists
Steven Wintle's JennyName's Not Down JennyMy Bloody Valentine JennyPreludes and Distractions JennyJhenni EverywhereReality Z-25 31-HParallax UniverseAce Rules OK! JennyJenny CorneliusHeroine's Guild Jenny3rd Universe775th Universe925th Universe38167th Universe1511th UniverseMirandaPsychopomp Jenny
Other notable versions of Jenny Everywhere
“Barbarian” Jenny“Biker” JennyCha NiGenevieve, Princess of Everywhere“Musketeer” Jenny“Ninja” JennyOriginal Parallax Jenny NowhereParallax Jenny Nowhere“Shih tzu” JennyMore