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Igotr-1612 was a Mark XVII Clockwork Cherub and the enthusiastic lab assistant Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids' resident, self-proclaimed Mad Scientist, Frankenstein-818.



Igor-1612 was unfailingly loyal to and admiring of Frankenstein-818, insisting that his inventions worked perfectly even in the face of blatant evidence to the contrary. He was, however, otherwise a more stable and responsible individual than Frankenstein, and helped clear up the messes his “Master” created. He was a competent scientific assistant, capable of operating his master's creations. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)


Halloween 2019

By Halloween 2019, Igor had become Frankenstein-818's assistant. It had, some years bac, become tradition in the Cupid Homeworld that every year, the Spirit Realm Gateway would be activated at the height of the Halloween celebrations, allowing a fleet of Fog Ships to pass into the Spirit Realm of the Prime Universe and romanticise spirits before returning safely home. When Frankenstein made to switch it on, however, for some reason, it malfunctioned. Frankenstein insisted on fixing it himself, removing a number of parts indiscriminately and trying to fake success via a holographic ghost-projector. Igor prevented Technophile-963 from getting access to the stage to stop him. As a result, when he activated it, the “repaired” Gateway collapsed in on itself into a true, two-way dimensional rift which allowed the Great Ghost's legion into the Homeworld. The Cupid Prime pressed the Emergency Transport Button, and, when Lord Thymon brought them back to the Homeworld shortly after, the Cupids found that the ghosts had gone, stealing a number of Fog Ships and setting out across the Multiverse to find vessels to possess.

Frankenstein set out to work creating a One-Way Forced Spirit Realm Gateway which would send everyone in a certain radius of it to the Spirit Realm once it was activated, whether they had a physical form or not. Before the Cupids could even begin to wonder how they would track down the ghosts to use it on them, this was rendered moot when the ghostly legion returned and, finding that the Department of Rifts had closed the rift, decided to abduct Frankenstein to force him to build a Reverse Spirit Realm Gateway through which the Great Ghost could summon even more of his followers. However, with the help of Igor, who had been told how to activate the One-Way Forced Spirit Realm Gateway, and of Madame Tarsa, whose ire had been drawn by the ghosts when they stole her marionettes to use them as vessels, the Department of Problem-Solving and Technophile-963 were able to track down the ghosts to an abandoned theatre in the Prime Universe where Frankenstein had indeed built the new Gateway.

Throwing a huge marble at the stage, Tarsa initiated a swordfight with the Great Ghost (still in the Queen of the Black Market's body) while the Cupids split up, trying to take advantage of the commotion to disable the machine and recover Frankenstein. As Tarsa transformed them all into useless things, the spirits left their possessed bodies and tried to help their master in their true forms; this gave the Cupids the chance to throw the One-Way Forced Spirit Realm Gateway at the swarm of spirits and send them all, save for the still-embodied Great Ghost, back to the Spirit Realm, though they broke the One-Way Gateway in the process.

The possessed Queen managed to distract Tarsa long enough to activate Frankenstein's new Reverse Spirit Realm Gateway, but it turned out to transform all the spirits into clockwork toys even as they pour out (because it was a wholly reversed version of Frankenstein's original Gateway, including with the functionality that turned Clockwork Cherubs into spirits). Thinking quickly, Igor managed to shove the possessed Queen into the Gateway, turning her into a toy as well, before she could react. Frankenstein told Igor that he “deserved a promotion” for this, though he quickly added that he had no authority to give him one, as Igor wasn't even technically his employee. A delighted Tarsa scooped up the toys to use them as part of her Halloween line, and used a magic hat and wand she'd been working on to separate the Queen from the Great Ghost, sending the latter to parts unknown. She departed, leaving the Cupids to ponder what the Great Ghost meant when he implied that his ghosts were themselves fleeing something terrible in the Spirit Realm, and to return to their party. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)