One-Way Forced Spirit Realm Gateway

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The One-Way Forced Spirit Realm Gateway was a machine built by Frankenstein-818 on Halloween 2019.

A portable adaption of the technology developed by Frankenstein for the full-sized Spirit Realm Gateway, it appeared as a still rather large machine with a number of levers on one side. When the lever was pulled, everything within a certain radius of the machine was projected into the Prime Universe's Spirit Realm, whether dead or alive, corporeal or incorporeal. It had a reverse switch which could pull everything it had banished back to where it had been banished from, but it was hidden beneath a secret panel which could only be opened if the levers were pulled in the right order and combination: one had to first pull the yellow lever three times, then the green one twice, and then the purple one. The red lever was a trap which, if pulled, would “detonate the machine”.

It was created as a partial solution to the ongoing crisis after the Great Ghost's legion escaped into the Cupid Homeworld through a dimensional rift and then, having stolen a flotilla of Fog Ships, caused mayhem across the Multiverse as they sought to find bodies to possess. Shortly after completing it, Frankenstein-818 was himself abducted by the Great Ghost so that he could force the inventor to build a Reverse Spirit Realm Gateway through to which to summon even more spirits. In his absence, Foreman-964 foolishly activated the One-Way Gateway for a “test run”, sending himself, Philatel-426, Igor-1612, Technophile-963 and Pythagoras-858 to the Spirit Realm. However, having learned about the reverse switch from Igor, Pythe was able to contact Juliet-178 and get her to pull the levers in the right order and press the switch.

Igor, Technophile and the rest of the Problem-Solvers then took the One-Way Gateway to the Prime Universe abandoned theatre which the ghosts were using as a base. After forcing them to abandon their possessed bodies with Madame Tarsa's help, the Cupids threw the One-Way Gateway at the mass of ghosts, activating at the same time. This successfully sent the spirits back to the Spirit Realm, although the One-Way Gateway was destroyed in the process. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)