
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Technophile-963 was a Clockwork Cherub of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids.



Technophile was an engineer rather than a Mad Scientist, and as such, although his work did occasionally have unforeseen side-effects, he was on the whole more safety- and practical-minded than Frankenstein-818, as well as more deferent to authority. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)


As technologically-minded as his chosen name implied, he created a “virtual training course” which was undertaken by all newly-minted Cupids before their first real missions. (PROSE: The Mad Cupid of the Euclidean Plane)

Being a Prefect, he had the right to attend Cupid Parliament sessions. He was present for the ninth day of debate about Stenographer-123's typewriter, on the day of the faceless magician incident. When the argument started to devolve into a fistfight, he attacked Recursion-462 and was then nearly thrown out a window by Untenable-921. However, the fight was soon broken up by the onslaught of magic rabbits. (PROSE: Magic Trick)

He had some kind of a rapport with Larrikin-1029, who told hm about his adventures in Madame Tarsa's Toybox.

Previously, he helped in the construction of the Spirit Realm Gateway, removing additional features Frankenstein-818 had built into it including allowing ghosts to cross into the Homeworld, and running a 50% chance of turning living users into ghosts. On Halloween 2019, however, Igor-1612 prevented him from stopping Frankenstein from removing a lot of safety features from the Gateway in an attempt to “repair” it, predictably causing it to collapse into a dimensional rift which allowed the Great Ghost's legion to cross into the Homeworld and steal a flotilla of Fog Ships. Subsequently, Frankenstein built a One-Way Forced Spirit Realm Gateway to send the spirits back, which briefly transported Technophile, Pythagoras-858, Igor-1612, Foreman-964 and Philatel-426 to the Spirit Realm instead until Technophile, Pythe and Igor succeeded in “haunting” Juliet-178 to tell her how to use the reverse switch. Technophile and Igor then accompanied the Department of Problem-Solving to the Prime Universe where they tracked down the ghosts and, with Madame Tarsa's help, successfully defeated them, banishing the Great Ghost to parts unknown while forcing the spirits to abandon their possessed vessels and transforming most of the spirits into toys. (PROSE: The Ghosts and the Machine)