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Dandy-432 was an elegantly-dressed Mark V Clockwork Cherub, one of the ragtag members of the Blue Feather taskforce.


Physical appearance

Dandy-432 tried to appear elegant, hence his name, notably always carrying an umbrella even though it hardly ever rained in the Cupid Homeworld. (PROSE: Acquaintanceship-982 and the Missing Mail Mystery)


Dandy spoke in a “posh, refined, and entirely unplaceable accent”. He behaved in a somewhat pompous manner, in an attempt to look stylish, but this also led him to cultivate unfailing good manners. (PROSE: Acquaintanceship-982 and the Missing Mail Mystery)


The Blue Feather were originally housed in a derelict warehouse located on the opposite side of the Mainland Cloud, where Acquaintanceship had to use an upside-down crate as a desk. They weren't given missions of any importance, and indeed, it could be months in-between the missions they did get, disappointing as they were. For example, they once went months without any assignments at all after “the Great Grape Jelly Stain Catastrophe”, their grandiloquent name for the occasion upon which Marmalade-624 spilled grape jelly on his tablecloth and hired the Blue Feather to wash it off. (PROSE: Acquaintanceship-982 and the Missing Mail Mystery)

On April 29th, 2019, (PROSE: The Faction of the Fooling Fish) they were hired by Philatel-426 for an unusually significant operation: locating a bag of mail that had gone missing from the Cupid Post Office. They unsuccessfully interviewed a number of “suspects” — otherwise known as people who happened to be glimpsed at some level of proximity to the Post Office on the day of the crime — but at the last minute, Acquaintanceship realised the truth and actually solved the mystery: Philatel had himself stolen the mailbag, which contained blueprints meant to be transmitted from the Department of Architecture to the Department of Construction so that the latter could begin work on a new giant warehouse. The construction would have involved the destruction of the Post Office's west wing, which was officially vacant, but which Philatel secretly used to store his stamp collection. Rather than turn him in to the Department of Discipline, the Blue Feather blackmailed him into letting them use the selfsame west wing as a new HQ, while convincing the Department of Construction to build their new warehouse on their old site instead.

Just as they were getting settled in, Colonel-028 rushed into their new office with a new mystery to investigate: the theft of a pie from his windowsill. (PROSE: Acquaintanceship-982 and the Missing Mail Mystery) Having badgered badgered the Cupid Parliament into authorising an official investigation, he set the Blue Feather on the task. Following a trail of pie-crumbs, the Blue Feather found a Rift leading to the Faction of the Fooling Fish's headquarters in the Prime Universe, where they briefly confronted the Faction for the first time. After fleeing back through the Rift, they got the Department of Rifts to close it. After the Rifts reopened and had to be closed a second time after a second Fooling Fish incursion, the Blue Feather were assigned to guarding the location of the Rift, in case it opened again. (PROSE: The Faction of the Fooling Fish)

Some time later, Acquaintanceship excitedly gathered the Blue Feather to tell them about their new mission (locating Investigation-464's misplaced coat). When the Cupid claiming to be Pessimist expressed enthusiasm at the prospect, Acquaintanceship finally realised that it was not Pessimist-242 but a cheap duplicate, and that the real article had gone missing — much to the weariness of Dandy, who had noticed much earlier but failed to convince the others of this fact. With the help of Pessimist's Fog Ship, they realised that he had been taken prisoner by the Drove of the Database-Compiling Dromedaries on the Prime Earth. Although the Ship briefly disappeared and stranded them in the Prime Universe, having been commandeered by Dromedary Head Assistant Researcher Darius, it returned almost immediately, having taken care of Darius with the help of Lord Thymon. The Blue Feather returned to the Homeworld and set forth in search of the missing coat. (PROSE: Pessimist and the Dromedaries)

Dandy and Larrikin were guarding the Rift, and rather bored at the lack of activity, when it briefly open again — allowing through not the prank-loving Fish, but a benign old man who was trying to find his way back to his home universe. The two Cupids were surprised to hear that he'd recently met Tracker-764, a legendary Cupid who hadn't been seen in the Homeworld in years. They agreed to help him, only too happy to have a good excuse to leave their post, and the three departed aboard Pessimist's Fog Ship, intent on taking the old man to the Prime Universe and a selection of Prime-adjacent ones to attempt to narrow down his world of origin. (PROSE: The Mad Cupid of the Euclidean Plane)

When the Cupid Suggestion Box was put up by the Copper-Colored Council of Elders, Dandy left a note suggesting that they invite a tailor, clothing designer, haberdasher and hatmaker to the Homeworld, noting that the rest of the Crew's ignorance on this point was getting silly, with Dandy having recently had to teach Pessimist-242 what a top hat was to stop him from eating soup out of one. However, his suggestion was rejected by the Council, who thought it frivolous and didn't want to add to the number of non-Cupids living in the Homeworld. (PROSE: The Cupid Suggestion Box)

After Larrikin-1029 suggested to Madame Tarsa that she create plush toy versions of Lord Thymon, (PROSE: Conspiracy-1263 Publicly Accuses the Gang of the Green Gorillas) Dandy had to endure Larrikin endlessly bragging about his idea. When large shipments of Thymon Plushies started showing up in the Cupid Homeworld with no known explanation, Dandy shared his theory that Larrikin was the one ordering them in Issue 1034 of The Cupid Courier. (PROSE: Conspiracy-1263 Publicly Accuses the Gang of the Green Gorillas)

Behind the scenes

Dandy-432 is a secondary recurring character in The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids.

External links