Old man (The Mad Cupid of the Euclidean Plane)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

An old man who never gave his name was stranded for a long time in a decaying dimension during the Rifts Crisis. After saving it from destruction with the help of Tracker-764, he left it, intent on trying to find his way back to his original universe, a fact made more difficult by his not knowing its designation.


Physical appearance

He appeared as a “old, grizzled man” and used a gnarled walking stick. (PROSE: The Mad Cupid of the Euclidean Plane)


The old man was a simple, humble, kind-hearted man. He recognised a degree of cowardice in himself for not daring to leave the hub dimension through one of the Rifts, something he eventually found the courage to do after seeing Tracker-764 attempt it. (PROSE: The Mad Cupid of the Euclidean Plane)

Powers & abilities

Although originally a “simple cobbler”, the old man learned a lot about dimensional science from the books he found in the cabin, enabling him to craft Prisms, a complex dimensional-engineering process which Tracker-764 couldn't completely wrap his head around even when he was walked through the process of practicing it by the old man. (PROSE: The Mad Cupid of the Euclidean Plane)


In his home universe, speculated by Dandy-432 to have been the Prime Universe or a similar one, the old man was a cobbler, and also “dabbled in gardening”. One day, he randomly fell through a Rift while walking down the street holding nothing but a set of tomato plants. He found himself in a strange, small dimension with a purple sky, whose sole landmass was surrounded on all sides by more Rifts connecting to other unknown worlds. He also found an abandoned cabin containing books on dimensional science.

Finding that the tomatoes grew uncommonly quickly and well in this dimension, he used them as his sole foodsource and spent his time reading through the library of dimensional science, too afraid of what might lay beyond a given Rift to attempt the journey. He learned how to shape the natural minerals of the dimension into Prisms that could contain individual Rifts, and also of a ritual using four special Prisms thanks to which the whole dimension could be permanently stabilised. However, it needed at least two people to perform it, so he only bothered to make one Prism before giving up.

He eventually got the chance to do so when, instead of the various monsters and dangerous beings he had taken to banishing back out through the Rifts whenever they came through, he was confronted with Tracker-764, a lost Clockwork Cherub. They worked for four weeks to build the three additional Prisms, and finished just in the nick of time, stabilising the dimension just before complete dimensional collapse occurred. Afterwards, the two parted ways with Tracker hopping through a randomly-chosen Rift, with a few dimensional books gifted to him by the old man. The old man then hesitated briefly before following suit, jumping through another Rift. Ironically, the old man's Rift took him to Tracker's own intended destination, the Cupid Homeworld. There, he met Larrikin-1029 and Dandy-432 of the Blue Feather, who agreed to try and help him find his home universe again. The three borrowed Pessimist's Fog Ship and headed out. (PROSE: The Mad Cupid of the Euclidean Plane)