Drove of the Database-Compiling Dromedaries

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The Drove of the Database-Compiling Dromedaries was one of the Strangely-Colored Secret Societies of the Prime Universe.


The Drove was led by the High Board of the Drove, below whom the hierarchy included the Head Researcher, and then the Assistant Researchers, who were led by a Head Assistant Researcher. (PROSE: Pessimist and the Dromedaries)


The sentient dromedaries that made it up were genetically engineered by Professor Scarper for the malevolent organisation known as the First Horde, using an experimental mutagen which turned ordinary animals into strange creatures loyal to the Horde. Serving as a proof-of-concept, the dromedaries were put to work by the Horde as the caretakers of their central database. Eventually, however, the Horde decided they could not justify the expense of the database or indeed Scarper's experiments, and laid all of them off, wiping their minds of any knowledge of the Horde. The Drove continued maintaining the database, however, as it was all they knew, reorganising themselves into the self-contained organisation that was the “Drove”. They would go on to figure out their true origins themselves by cross-referencing the files in their care. (PROSE: The Strangely-Colored Secret Societies)

They began studying the other Strangely-Colored Secret Societies, abducting specimens from as many as possible. Nonhumans were held at Research Laboratory 6, while the brainwashed humans were kept elsewhere. Other laboratories maintained by the Drove included Research Laboratory 2 and Research Laboratory 4. After decades of operation, however, they'd been unable to learn anything much about the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids. Eventually, Assistant Researcher Lila, working under Head Assistant Researcher Darius, managed to abduct Pessimist-242. After they'd gotten some information out of him, however, Pessimist organised a breakout of all the Research Laboratory 6 captives, which succeeded. At the eleventh hour, when Pessimist's fellow Blue Feather operatives arrived in Pessimist's Fog Ship, Darius highjacked it and attempted to enter the Cupid Archives, only for the sentient Ship to instead deposit him in the lap of Lord Thymon, who banished him into the Void. Darius was fired in absentia for his show of gross incompetence, and Lila replaced him as Head Assistant Researcher. (PROSE: Pessimist and the Dromedaries) Darius realised he had been fired when he found that his persona wristwatch-computer no longer connected to the Dromedary Database. (PROSE: Misadventures in the Interdimensional Black Market)

At some point, the Drove gained information on the parallel universe of the Wellsians, which they designated “Earth-HG66”. (PROSE: The Resurrection of the Wellsians)