Research Laboratory 6

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In the Prime Universe, Research Laboratory 6 was the facility where the Drove of the Database-Compiling Dromedaries imprisoned and studied members of those of the Strangely-Colored Secret Societies which were made up of non-humans, as opposed to brainwashed humans. Four guards plus a Head Guard were assigned to guard it. All the captives held at Research Laboratory 6 were permitted to escape by Pessimist-242 shortly after Pessimist, the first Copper-Colored Cupids the Dromedaries had ever captured, was brought there. Head Assistant Researcher Darius, who had been overseeing operations at the Laboratory, also left the Drove that day, trying to pursue the Cupids to the Cupid Homeworld only to be banished into the Void by Lord Thymon. This led to Lila taking over as Head Assistant Researcher. (PROSE: Pessimist and the Dromedaries)