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Odin was the leading Norse god. He was cunning, often disguising himself as a mysterious wanderer to interfere in events himself, and possessed the gift of prophecy.


Physical appearance

In the Prime Universe, Odin appeared as a “tall and broad-shouldered” old man with a long gray beard. He had only one good eye, his left, with the other permanently squeezed shut; it glowed yellow when he openly displayed his power as a god, and an eerie blue (similar to the pupil of Lord Thymon's eye) when he was using his gift of prophecy. He had small, nimble hands with lightly callused skin, and long, wavy hair. His natural speaking voice was “firm… masculine, but not baritone”. In his guise as a wanderer, he wore mostly gray clothing with a heavy blue cloak and a black, wide-brimmed shepherd's-hat. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)


The Prime Universe Odin was cunning and secretive. He liked to influence events, even if he had to skirt the rules that bound him to do so. He had a sense of humour that was not always to the taste of the mortals around him, liking to scare them by pretending to be more easily offended than he actually was. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)

Powers & abilities

In the Prime Universe, as a god, Odin had the ability to speak in a supernaturally commanding voice that mortals had trouble resisting. He also possessed the gift of prophecy, being able to see into the consequences of a pattern of events and voice poetic hints to affect their development. He could still access the ability even without being inside the Prime Universe, but it became more taxing. Riding Sleipnir, he could journey beyond the universe and into the Void. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)


In the Prime Universe

In December 2021, the Prime Universe's Odin foresaw the plot by Sigyn and Loki to manipulate Pythagoras-858, Juliet-178 and CS-NA to get Loki released from his prison in the World Below. Because “the Web” of events was already in motion, Odin was forbidden to interfere with the events in the mortal universe, but he found a loophole in this rule by meeting up with Pythe, Juliet and Tero Trollgarsson at the Interdimensional Tavern. After lightly spooking Juliet by pretending he had taken offence at something she said, he explained that he was aware of their quest and then used his gift of prophecy to give them a series of hints about how they should proceed. He also advised them to keep Trollgarsson with them, even though he was “irritating”. He then rode off on Sleipnir without answering any more questions. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)

Other references

The Dining Room of the Strange and Wonderful House appeared for some as “the halls of Valhalla”. Thus, the entertainment might take the form of “a skald reciting the Grímnismál”. (PROSE: Our Strange and Wonderful House: The Dining Room)

Concepts from Norse Mythology in Jenny Everywhere media
FenrirFreyFreyjaHelJormungandirLogiLokiNariOdinSigynSleipnirThorWyrm of Loki
Species & Classes of Beings
AesirElvesNornsTrollsValkyriesVanirWinged horses
GrímnismálRide of the Valkyries