The Man With No Name

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The Man With No Name” was a mysterious independent interdimensional traveller and an on-and-off companion to one incarnation of Jenny Everywhere.


Physical appearance

The Man With No Name was originally a brown-haired white man with blue-green eyes. He wore a dark red jacket over a green T-shirt, and olive trousers. (COMIC: The Legend of Jenny Everywhere) After the retcon which affected him, Jenny and Max, he wore a checkered red shirt in-between the T-shirt and jacket, and his eyes became darker. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere's Rules of the Multiverse #3)


The Man With No Name was mysterious and pragmatic. He got along well with Jenny Everywhere due to being able to discuss the burdens and little frustrations of the life of a shifter with her. He had highly specific tastes in tea. (COMIC: The Legend of Jenny Everywhere)

Powers & abilities

The Man With No Name had no personal shifting powers, relying on a D-Jump device to travel across the Multiverse. He also owned a shotgun with the ability to alter the fabric of reality. He had various skills as a fighter, notably having learned fencing from D'Artagnan. (COMIC: The Legend of Jenny Everywhere)



The Man With No Name appeared to be British. Though he was evasive on the matter, it seemed that by the time of his adventures with Red Max, he genuinely did not have a name any longer, rather than merely keeping it a secret. (COMIC: The Legend of Jenny Everywhere)

Early exploits

At some point, he met a version of D'Artagnan and learned fencing from him.

At some point, the Man With No Name suffered from a single bout of parallel bleed syndrome.

The Man With No Name became acquainted with one version of Jenny Everywhere. They met up at the Pier's End Bar, Brighton in Dimension 577, commiserating on parallel bleed syndrome, from which Jenny had suffered all night, preventing her from getting any sleep. The Man With No Name was also present during the events that surrounded Jenny's first meeting with Red Max in Dimension 331, although they did not get close, with the Man later being surprised that Max was aware of his true identity, or rather, lack thereof. (COMIC: The Legend of Jenny Everywhere)

Against the Brotherhood of Multiversal Oneness

Five months after Brighton, Jenny summoned the Man With No Name back to Dimension 331 to discuss reports she'd received according to which agents of Chaos had been spotted in this dimension. The Man With No Name reminded Jenny that this was Red Max's home, leading her to drop in on him to see what he was up to lately. Max subsequently followed Jenny to her more serious appointment with the Man With No Name after they began their investigation. When he got there, Man With No Name had been attacked by an assassin, who, it soon became clear, was not working for Chaos at all but for a malevolent interdimensional cult called the Brotherhood of Multiversal Oneness. Analysing the dimensional trail coming from the downed assassin, Jenny prepared to shift the Man With No Name to his home dimension, and, to the Man With No Name's annoyance, insisted on taking Max too. The Man was surprised to learn that Max knew who he really was (most notably, the fact that he truly didn't have a name).

They found themselves in Chernobyl in Dimension 672's Ukraine. The trio soon reached a locked metal door. Before Max could use his explosives to get through, Jenny shifted to another universe where the building was an ice-cream-cone factory and the door was therefore unlocked and unguarded; walking through, she then shifted back to Dimension 672, and opened it from the inside to the two men's confusion — even offering them complimentary ice cream cones. As they found some computer terminals, Jenny instructed Max to “do his fine stuff”. Max indeed found data on the villains' plans, which mentioned New York, an island, and “a lure”. Looking out the window into the courtyard to find five warriors with the same tattoos as the New York assassin standing in front of them, they belatedly realised they had walked into a trap. A battle broke out, but the Man and Max's efforts soon proved of little importance when Jenny enters the field and, one by one, shifted the attackers away with a single touch, sending them off to a WWI battlefield.

The Man retrieved the D-Jump device used by the assassins, which was still keyed to their home base, and made his way there through the portal the device creates. He was mildly put out when he found Jenny and Max already waiting for him, having simply shifted there. The location, at any rate, turned out to be an island in the South Pacific — where they were immediately surrounded by forces of the organisation at fault in all of this: the Brotherhood of Multiversal Oneness. Before long, the prisoners were brought inside the Brotherhood's fortress and Jenny cuffed to a pillar in the middle of their courtyard. The Grandmaster of the Brotherhood, Awndisk, explained that their intent was to abuse Jenny's powers to fold all parallel universes into one, thereby merging with all their parallel selves; they thought this would be the path to enlightenment.

Max and the Man With No Name discuss how to save Jenny and stop Awndisk. (COMIC: The Legend of Jenny Everywhere)

Awndisk, however, had underestimated the crazy-preparedness of Red Max, who had a C4 detonator concealed under one of his fingernails and a tranquiliser dart in his shirt collar, among other things. With Awndisk having stated that he needed Jenny conscious and rational for his plan to unfold, the Man retrieved the tranquiliser dart and managed to shoot it at Jenny, knocking her out, while Max activates the explosives on the beach thanks to his detonator, creating a distraction. Jenny's consciousness found herself in a “place between one world and the next” where she was greeted by her long-dead Grandfather in full Native regalia, who gave her words of wisdom on her significance in the balance of reality, claiming that she was “chosen” by the Great Spirit to preserve the balance of existence. She returned to the real world supernaturally empowered with a bow made of energy, with which she shot all the members of the Brotherhood one by one with the effect of making them “one with the Multiverse”.

After she was done, the extra powers faded, and she decided to go for a beer with the Man and Max. They did so at a pub in Edinburgh back in Dimension 331, relaxing and trading stories. Max was the first to leave, intent on giving over some of the Brotherhood's tech to his superiors in substitute to Jenny's secrets. After a little more banter, it was Jenny and the Man who parted ways, promising they'd meet again one of these days. (COMIC: The Legend of Jenny Everywhere)

Further adventures with Jenny

The Man With No Name, Red Max and Pan at Jenny's Christmas party. (COMIC: Merry Christmas Everywhere)

The Man With No Name and Red Max were later among the many guests at an interdimensional Christmas party organised by “their” Jenny Everywhere and attended by many of her counterparts from across the Multiverse and their companions. Seated next to Max and the Greek god Pan, he was seen looking up curiously at another version of Jenny Everywhere who was dancing naked on the table. (COMIC: Merry Christmas Everywhere)

The Man With No Name once relaxed in a garden in the Northern Hemisphere of one universe, having tea and reading a manga called Hellsing, with no greater concerns than the far-fetchedness of some plot developments. However, his peace was disturbed when Jenny literally dropped in on him, having shifted in a hurry from Australia without accounting for direction, and therefore materialising upside-down on top of his table. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere Rules 2)


The post-retcon Man With No Name. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere's Rules of the Multiverse #3)

At some point, Jenny underwent an incomplete retcon alongside Red Max and Jenny, altering their appearances. The Man was the least affected of the trio, mostly just aging him into a somewhat older man with a neatly-trimmed beard, his hair now graying at the temples. His formerly green eyes became darker, and he also now wore a checkered red shirt between his green T-shirt and coat. At any rate, the retcon did not automatically transform the trio's passport photos, which once caused them some trouble. (COMIC: Jenny Everywhere's Rules of the Multiverse #3)