Brotherhood of Multiversal Oneness

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The Brotherhood of Multiversal Oneness were a cult-like organisation based in Dimension 672.


The Brotherhood of Multiversal Oneness had a cultish belief that to merge with all their parallel selves across the Multiverse was the path to enlightenment, and that they would be justified in merging all universes into one to achieve it, at the cost of wiping out untold infinities of people as collateral to the reconciliation of incompatible histories.

The Brotherhood's members dressed in a variety of styles, suggesting they came from different realities. However, they all had the organisation's simple symbol tattooed on their foreheads. They had access to a variety of dimensional techniques and technology, including advanced D-Jump devices allowing multiversal travel, and special “samurai swords” which could cut through anything. (COMIC: The Legend of Jenny Everywhere)


Having accumulated the necessary techniques and technologies, the Brotherhood of Multiversal Oneness decided that to achieve their final aims, they needed to capture a version of Jenny Everywhere to make use of her unique shifting powers. They spread rumours that agents of Chaos had been spotted in Dimension 331 to lure a Jenny there. She also summoned her associate the Man With No Name; a Brotherhood assassin attempted to take him out and was killed by the Man, but this worked out to the plan's benefit as the shifters, joined by Red Max, followed the dead man's dimensional trail back to Dimension 672 and the Brotherhood's base in Chernobyl, where they were attacked by a waiting party of five Brotherhood assassins.

Jenny disposed of them by shifting them to yet another dimension, and found the D-Jump device the team had been using, still programmed with the coordinates of the Brotherhood's island base. She shifted there, where a larger grouping of Brotherhood members captured her, Max and the Man With No Name. Brought inside the fortress, she was tied up to a pillar as Grandmaster Awndisk introduced himself to her and explained the Brotherhood's aims. However, their plan was foiled when Max and the Man managed to render Jenny briefly unconscious. This derailed the Brotherhood's plans, as they needed her awake for the process to begin; furthermore, while her body was unconscious, Jenny's soul visited a “place between one world and the next” where she had an enlightening talk with her late grandfather. She returned to the physical world armed with a bow of glowing magical energy with which she shot all the Brotherhood members in quick succession, starting with Awndisk, making them lose individuality altogether and become one with the fabric of the Multiverse.

Subsequently, Red Max brought some of the Brotherhood's dimensional tech back to Dimension 331 to give it to his superiors at the Department of Anarchy. (COMIC: The Legend of Jenny Everywhere)