
From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The Wilson was a starship and Void Ship used as a base by one incarnation of Jenny Everywhere and her companions in their fight against Chaos.


The Wilson “at rest” appeared as a normal spaceship or space-station. However, it was capable not only of dimensional travel, but of tracking other dimensional activities; the “synchs” were a mechanism within the ship which allowed the various crewmembers with shifting abilities of their own to quickly shift to one another's location. However, they frequently needed adjustments and recalibrations. (COMIC: The Jenny Everywhere Chronicles) The ship was not normally capable of travelling into the Infinite, although Michael eventually found a dangerous method to achieve this. (PROSE: The Disappearance of Jenny Everywhere)


At some point after the latter became one of her Anchors, Jenny Everywhere and Michael Wherever joined forces as the crew of the Wilson and started recruiting other trustworthy individuals, including Chuck, Amy, Stix and Raleigh, to help fight Chaos.

At one point, while the Wilson was hovering in space, the Illumination appeared near its hull. Jenny went out inside an exosuit space-suit to meet the mysterious source of energy, and, when she was convinced that the Illumination wasn't a threat, brought him on-board. While the crew were dealing with this as well as with reports of Odious having been detected in Universe Juliet-Two-Two-Six, Chaos materialised aboard the ship. (COMIC: The Jenny Everywhere Chronicles)

Some time after the Illumination had joined the crew and begun calling himself “Lit”, Jenny temporarily disappeared along with all of her other incarnations in the Multiverse. While most of the crew went off to look for signs of her elsewhere in the Multiverse, Michael and Lit were left alone in the ship. Deciding to check the Infinite to see if any Jennies remained there, Michael fed the ship's computers a cache of Jenny's genetic material and overpowered its systems, hoping this would do the trick. Though highly dangerous, the gambit paid off; however, Michael and Lit found the Infinite itself empty (but for another set of friends of Jenny who'd had the same idea and made their way there in a different manner). (PROSE: The Disappearance of Jenny Everywhere)

Fighting Michael and Jenny, (COMIC: Untitled) Chaos attempted to kill Jenny. He “failed spectacularly”, but survived, while Michael was lost in circumstances for which Jenny later blamed herself. However, she continued to maintain the crew of the Wilson and fight Chaos's agents, ultimately managing to kill at least one of them, Nyx. (COMIC: The Jenny Everywhere Chronicles)