Hero Hour

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki
Title card of the show. (COMIC: Interview With A Superhero)

Hero Hour was a TV show from Reality Z-25 31-H.

It was dedicated to documenting recent news of the superhero world, particularly in New York City. One average installment of the program briefly went over new faces of the last few weeks (new villain Red Vicious and the seemingly new Captain-Evening-like undead hero) before giving over most of its running time to a studio interview of a particular hero, Captain Perfect. (COMIC: Interview With A Superhero)

The program gave live coverage of the ceremony where Perfect was to be given the city by Mayor Wilson, during which an attack by Ultimatron was revealed as having been faked by Perfect to puff up his own image. (COMIC: Meanwhile, On Earth) The next edition of the program reported on Perfect's subsequent fall from grace, interviewing former sponsor Kate Kerrigan. (COMIC: Meanwhile, In Queens)

A later edition, airing after the Cosmic Solution's attack on New York, covered the appearance of the mysterious New Protectors, once again interviewing Kerrigan. (COMIC: Epilogue to Destruction)

After the New Protectors began rolling out their plan to take over the entire city's justice system, Amanda Allen tried to interview the real Captain Evening as well as a superhero-focused columnist to get their thoughts on the reforms. Before the debate could get underway, however, the live broadcast was interrupted by Hexia and her henchfolk breaking into the Channel 6 studios and taking everybody hostage, with Hexia briefly voicing her intent to kidnap the entire TV crew and then force them to make her own, supervillainy-focused show instead. However, the other Odds, joined by Jung-La, were able to rescue the hostages, with Amanda Allen herself playing a key role by knocking Hexia out with a chair before she could contribute some of her own magic to the fight. (COMIC: Season of the Witch)