Amanda Allen

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In Reality Z-25 31-H, Amanda Allen was a New York TV reporter, working for Channel 6.

She was the one who handled live coverage of the fight agains the Cosmic Solution robot, first by the police and military, then by a variety of superheroes. She closely witnessed the eventual revelation of the agent of the Cosmic Order, his calling off of the Cosmic Solution, and the two cosmic beings' departure back into space. (COMIC: Journey Out Of Misery)

When Anna Atom and Max Atom of Earth-K arrived in her version of New York, with Anna quickly being mistaken for a supervillain and taken unto custody, Amanda tried to interview her, but she was “too angry for words” and rebuffed the reporter. (PROSE: Anna Atom vs Max Atom)

Allen also reported on the Shadow Queen's attack on the city. The following morning, after Captain Evening and the Odds defeated her, Amanda interviewed the Captain on the spot, getting him to explain how they'd outsmarted the Queen. She was then called to the City Hall for breaking news that the New Protectors had formed some kind of partnership with the mayor's office, promising “pro-active measures” to prevent the increasing number of attacks on the city by monsters and supervillains. (COMIC: Chasing Shadows)

Allen breaks a chair over Hexia's head. (COMIC: Season of the Witch)

As the first of these reforms, which included all police forces having been signed over to the New Protectors and the selfsame Protectors demanding that independent superheroes pledge fealty to them, began to be made public, Amanda hosted a “special edition” of Hero Hour, where she intended to get the thoughts of Captain Evening and a noted superhero-centric pundit on these news. Before the debate could get underway, however, the live broadcast was interrupted by Hexia and her henchfolk breaking into the Channel 6 studios and taking everybody hostage, with Hexia briefly voicing her intent to kidnap the entire TV crew and then force them to make her own, supervillainy-focused show instead.

However, the other Odds, joined by Jung-La, were able to rescue the hostages, with Amanda Allen herself playing a key role by knocking Hexia out with a chair before she could contribute some of her own magic to the fight. She already looked forward to getting to report with firsthand experience on this unfolding “top story”. However, after Hexia and her minions were soundly defeated, the day's thunder was soon stolen by the New Protectors as they announced even more drastic, totalitarian measures. (COMIC: Season of the Witch)