

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Herakles was a hero who existed in various universes, known for his extreme strength.


In Reality Z-25 31-H

In Reality Z-25 31-H, Herakles was active in the 21st century as a member of the Protectors, one of the most prestigious superhero teams of that universe's Earth. The Protectors arrived late to the battle against the Cosmic Solution and, hubristically refusing to listen to the advice of the Odds who had gotten there before them, they attacked the robot at full power, not realising that it simply absorbed the energy from the impacts and used it to grow in size and power itself. When the saw it growing to giant size in response, the rigid-minded team leader XYZ-2000 suggested that they do the opposite of their earlier tactic — namely, “stand around doing nothing”. The Solution proceeded to reduce the entire team (including Herakles) to piles of ashes before the eyes of the Odds. In the end, the robot left of its own accord after being ordered to do so by another agent of the Cosmic Order. (COMIC: Journey Out Of Misery)

Concepts from Greco-Roman Mythology in Jenny Everywhere media
Species & Classes of Beings