Doctor Sigma

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Head of the Celestial Foam Network, Doctor Sigma-063, (PROSE: Rifts Crisis Officially Over!) or simply Doctor Sigma, was an eminent dimensional scientist and acquaintance to Pythagoras-858. He was the head of the Celestial Foam Network (PROSE: The Winter Quests) and more broadly the “head scientist” of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids. (COMIC: The Beginner's Guide to Multiversal Theory)


Physical appearance

Doctor Sigma was a Mark 1 Clockwork Cherub. He had long silver hair that curved upwards and ordinary wore a fez as well as a white lab-coat with blue cuffs. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)


Doctor Sigma was a jolly “absent-minded inventor” type. For unclear reasons, he spoke in a cartoonish German accent. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)

Powers & abilities

Doctor Sigma was a genius inventor with a particular knowledge of dimensional theory. Pythe told Wendy VII that Sigma could have explained the nature of the Void far better than him. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) He could identify what was wrong with Rosen-035's Dimensional Monocle at a glance. His fez appeared to function like a magical bag of holding, containing an improbable number of the inventions he'd been working on. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)


Explaining the Multiverse

On one occasion, after an audience of outsiders “tuned in” to the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids' “frequency”, Doctor Sigma took it upon himself to give them a “beginner's guide to Multiversal theory”. He explained parallel universes, the Void, and common methods of interdimensional travel to them before he had to take his leave of them, leaving them with an invitation to browse the Crew's Archives. (COMIC: The Beginner's Guide to Multiversal Theory)


Sigma once created a prototype for a sentient, self-driving Fog Ship, but shelved the project due to the Ship proving disobedient and thus more trouble than it was worth. He also built a large metal Courthouse for the Crew, only for the building to be stolen wholesale, using dark magic, by Sebastian Steer, who used it as his Imperial Castle. (PROSE: The Time of the Toymaker)

Caretaker of the Lord Gorbazaglaz

At some point, an eldritch demon called Gorbazaglaz was put in Doctor Sigma's care, with Sigma being tasked with not letting Gorbazaglaz convince him to let him out. (PROSE: Rifts Crisis Officially Over!) CS-NA was aware that, in a fulfillment of the common pattern of offworlders in the Cupid Homeworld latching onto a specific Clockwork Cherub, “the demon” had a particular relationship with Doctor Sigma out of all the Cupids in a Homeworld, albeit not a friendly one. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)

Indeed, after the Rifts Crisis threatening the Multiverse wrapped up, he was called upon by The Cupid Courier to answer questions about the Rifts submitted by other members of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids abut the nature of the Rifts. On this occasion, it was demonstrated that Sigma not only spoke with a German accent, but also wrote it out phonetically. The Q&A, at any rate, was something of a failue, as, out of the many Cupids who submitted a question, only Baker-954 put forward an actually interesting or sensical one. (PROSE: Rifts Crisis Officially Over!)

In December 2021, Sigma was repairing Rosen-035's Dimensional Monocle on his downtime at the Celestial Foam Network when he was asked by CS-NA for the right to use a Fog Ship. Sigma agreed to authorise his holiday trip offworld, but instead of giving him a Fog Ship, gave him an individual dematerialisation circuit that could be fitted to his own system, with no need for a vehicle. (PROSE: The Winter Quests)

Behind the scenes

Notes & references

  1. First appearance in directly Jenny-related media.