The Beginner's Guide to Multiversal Theory (comic story)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The Beginner's Guide to Multiversal Theory was two-page comic story by Aristide Twain. Released in 2022, it served as a post-hoc introduction to the Multiversal chronology of The Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids, being inserted as “#0” on the official reading order. It featured brief appearances by Jenny Everywhere, Laura Drake and the Infinite.



When an unspecified audience “tune in” to the “frequency” of the Cupid Homeworld, Doctor Sigma takes it upon himself to give an impromptu lecture on the nature of the Multiverse and interdimensional travel. As he runs out of time and is forced to end the talk, he invites his audience to stick around and read through some of the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids' Archives.


Jenny Everywhere

Laura Drake

  • Three versions of Laura Drake are shown to illustrate the point that any given person has “an infinity of counterparts out there… with varying degrees of similarity between them!”. All three are in the same setting, standing in front of a cityscape and an Atomium-like structure. The central one has a standard human colour scheme, while the leftmost one has green skin and hair and the rightmost one is in grayscale.


  • Rifts are normally rare. They are also “unpredictable” and “hard to control”.


to be added

Behind the scenes

Read online

The story can be read on the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids website. It is also reproduced on this Wiki with permission.