Wendy VII

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

Wendy VII, born Wendy Severn, was a woman who lived as a pickpocket in home universe until she accidentally boarded an interdimensional shuttle leading to Hilbert's. There, she met and befriended the Queen of the Black Market, Pythagoras-858, and Jenny Everywhere, also crossing paths with Jark Haine, Sylvester Shoebill, and a Wellsian.


Physical appearance

Wendy was African-American, with black hair tied in a bun. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) She was fairly tall. (PROSE: The Time of the Toymaker) When she first came to Hilbert's, she was wearing a black leather jacket and carrying a handbag. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel) Some time into her adventures in the Multiverse, she had taken to wearing a “stylish” black dress instead. She carried some kind of weapon disguised as a black umbrella and wore a pearl necklace as well as a golden hair-clip which was actually a psychic dampener given to her by the Mother Superior of the Sisterhood of the Holy Snail. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)


Wendy VII was bitter and cynical about the world, although this did not translate into an at all lessened moral core; even during the period of her life when she resorted to theft, she took care never to steal items too expensive for their owners to replace, or which held sentimental value to them. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)

Powers & abilities

Having trained to become a magician in her youth, Wendy had unusual dexterity and a talent for misdirection (both skills which she leveraged during her time as a pickpocket). (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)


Early life

Wendy Severn grew up in a mundane universe, in the United States of America. She had a brother, Will, to whom she was quite close. As a child, Wendy practiced to become a magician, but, unable to find work, she turned her skills to theft. She strove to be an “ethical thief”, only stealing items which her marks could replace without great inconvenience, and which, as far as she could tell, held no sentimental value. Wendy took to posing as a student on the bus rides to and from Michigan University, although she was not actually registered at the university. This made her a known face to the bus driver and to the students themselves, the targets of her thievery. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)

At the Grand Multiverse Hotel

One foggy night in March, she accidentally stepped onto an interdimensional shuttle instead of the bus she was expecting. Aboard, she met Sylvester Shoebill, a conman from the Prime Universe. Once the shuttle arrived at the Hotel, she met the Queen of the Black Market, to whom Shoebill owed a debt. They had dinner, only for it to be interrupted by the Queen's attempted assassination by the Wellsian Forga sog-Forgos. In the end, she willingly let herself be romanticised by Pythagoras due to circumstances making this the only way to save the life of the Queen.

Although they agreed that due to the origin of her feelings, she should try to spend some time away from the Queen to see if they wore off, the two remained friends, with the Queen gifting Wendy her Void Limousine to allow her to travel the Multiverse on her own terms. Thereupon, she took to actually calling herself “Wendy VII”, the way the various people she had encountered kept mishearing “Wendy Severn”. (PROSE: The Grand Multiverse Hotel)

First adventures

As per the agreement, Wendy VII spent a few months having adventures across dimensions, without meeting up with the Queen again. On one occasion, she encountered the Sisterhood of the Holy Snail, whose Mother Superior gave Wendy a hair-clip which acted as a psychic dampener, rendering her impervious to most means of supernatural detection. She finally headed to the Interdimensional Black Market, where she found the Queen once again under threat from a Wellsian, this time Skollops ag-Warka, who had taken control of the Queen's Wraiths. With the dampener making her undetectable to the Wraiths, however, she was able to sneak up on Skollops, threatening him with her umbrella and saving the Queen once again.

The Queen happened to be entertaining Pythagoras-858 when she'd been attacked by Skollops, as well as a version of Sherlock Holmes. After they explained their quest to stop the living Toy Clown who'd stolen Madame Tarsa's cane, Wendy decided to come along on their next destination: Shenanig. There, after bumping into Doctor Curious and getting arrested by Imperial Guards, they managed to confront the Clown and convince him that he was not meant to be a villain. He returned himself and the three travellers to the Workshop of Madame Tarsa, from which, after the appropriate thanks and goodbyes, Wendy departed through her own means in order to get back to her planned date with the Queen. (PROSE: The Time of the Toymaker)