Commissioner (Sausage-Fest!)

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

In Reality Z-25 31-H, the Commissioner of police of New York City was a fair-haired, mustachioed, middle-aged man.

He often liaised with superhero, even being a friend of Centennia's. (COMIC: Sausage-Fest!) He helped Professor Madison oversee repairs to the city following the attack of the Cosmic Solution (COMIC: Epilogue to Destruction)

When Captain Evening was taken by hostage by Hexia alongside the rest of the TV crew while he was being interviewed on Hero Hour, the Commissioner contacted the rest of the Odds and told them to try and rescue the hostages whilke he coordinated a more conventional police response. Subsequently, after the heroes successfully stopped the witch, he made sure all her henchfolk were taken into custody. However, he then caught the broadcast in which the New Protectors' Robot-Enforcers announced their new, totalitarian martial law over the City, directing the Odds to this new and much more concerning crisis. (COMIC: Season of the Witch)