Book of Evil

From Jenny Everywhere Wiki

The Book of Evil was a non-fiction book created by the Crew of the Copper-Colored Cupids' Department of Documentation, and principally Bibliophile-962, to document the main villains, enemies, and similar entities encountered by the Cupids in the Multiverse.

The Book was in the beginning stages of being written in the time between the Cupids learning of Lord Thymon, and him being romanticised by the Department of Problem-Solving. The entry for Thymon thus became almost instantly obsolete, but they elected to keep it in with a note warning that it was moot, a fact which would repeat itself with other enemies of the Crew who proved redeemed or deceased.

Technician-042 and Bibliophile eventually worked together to create a digitised, abridged edition of the Book, which boiled the list down to — in that order — Director Darius, the Gang of the Green Gorilla, the Mélange of the Mauve Muskrat, Lord Thymon, the Queen of the Black Market, the Wellsians, Blinkie and the Imps, the Faction of the Fooling Fish, the Great Ghost, Eris and the Discordias, Mandragora-257, Governor-105, and the Collective of the Retconning Crocodiles. In the process, Bibliophile discovered that an entry had been added by an unknown party about himself, signed simply ‘???’. He elected to keep it in, and even include it in the digitised version, because it seemed worth keeping an eye on at the very least. (PROSE: The Book of Evil) A mention of Bibliophile's concerned report about this was printed in Issue #1056 of The Cupid Courier. (PROSE: The Cupid Parliament Destroyed?)